wrenches, can do more then fix stuff.

calling Mordak…

Anything bigger than a slow stretched 0 gauge will not close up all that well typically. If you had the lobes punched or didn’t slowly stretch and tore the lobe they tend to not close up well either. You can have plastic surgery to fix the lobes…I’m sure its not cheap.

you know my opinion on this.


Oh man…that story may not bode well for you. You walked right into a known aggression pit. Had they have come to you you’d have a solid case. The fact you went to them won’t look good on you in court. GL…either get a great lawyer or best bet may be to get even in due time IMO.

yea i know that, im not trying for millions or anything, im working on getting a lawyer, just not sure how this stuff goes, i was all fucked from getting hit and i guess i signed papers to press charges, i wasnt going to, just gunna have to see how it plays out.

he may have gone over there but i dont see any mention of the father asking him to leave just of him assaulting his friend. i think i see a case there…

edit: why hasn’t mordak posted in this thread? he would be very helpful here for once.

540guy wasnt fighting, and neither was the kid with the wrench. Wayne went to pull his friend off and the kid with the wrench hit him

He came after him with the wrench

Nerve damage? Fuckin A bubba.

You should have called a lawyer like within 24 hours. Call one today if you haven’t already.

Not to be a sue-happy you-owe-me type of asshole, but to make sure that your medical bills are covered. Eesh.


This is the kind of incident where suing is necessary, NOT when you burn your face with a cup of coffee that you spilled on yourself.

I would sue away.

In my opinion the WNY legal system in general is very undefined especially in a case like this. If you pressed charges on the father and son than you hold the upper hand in court. Get a lawyer, try to get your medical bills paid, and cut your losses. This whole story has lower middle class borderline ghetto written all over it so I wouldn’t expect much benefit in terms of a lawsuit. By the time you pay your lawyer/medical bills what can you possibly expect to pocket from these people? I could be wrong but I can’t imagine a successful and wealthy person attacking you with a wrench over a dispute like this.

Anyways good luck and heal quickly!

Personal injury, your entitled to 3x the medical bills and 3x lost wages (if your working).

I’d say he definitely has the upper hand in court, they got arrested and charged and he ended up home looking worse than he did leaving the house.

I just remembered that I got hit in the face with torque wrench this weekend.

I was under my car working on the diff and torqued the bar towards me and slip, bang, oww… I have a nice fat lip and I spit out a nice quantity of blood.

By him and his friend going over there they enabled the drama. Had they have stayed away none of this would have happened. You don’t go to talk to a hothead while they are heated to smooth things over. If someone verbally threatens you going to “talk” isn’t going to work out well 9/10 times and legally it’s often perceived as instigation.

I’m in NO WAY condoning the wrench assault or anything that the other parties did. NOT AT ALL! I’m just saying if you walk into a sauna don’t be surprised that the temp is hot and that your sweating.

I hope the idiots get punished severely for the over the top assault! And I’d love for the hotheads to get hard lesson and have to pay out the ass regardless.

Fuckin’ a.

Chicks dig scars…

Thats so fucked man. People are sick, they have no sympathy.
He must of felt like a real man, after he layed down that wrench. Pathetic.

Dom: I saw Linder about a week later. I had the wrench in my hand… and I hit him! And I didn’t mean to keep hitting him, but by the time I was done, I couldn’t lift my arm. He’s a janitor at an elementary school. He has to take the bus to work… and they banned me from the tracks for life.



Get your bills and lost wages covered.

I must agree with the statements above about you going there.Not that you deserved that in any way or form(At least from what you’re typing) But a judge is going to see that you went to the house for whatever reason and you know the perps are going to lie like crazy on how it went down.