why, because all mechanics are dumb???


how should the writing of the newsletter be geared for people with their head up their ass???

im going to try to write more details about this later tonight havent had much time to do anything. So hopefully people that are willing to jump aboard and help out will be ready to go.

I have seen some different article on hybrids, always an interesting topic.

I don’t really know how to change the reading level of something I would write. I pretty much just write how I’ve been taught. If I had to guess though, my reading level will probably come out above USA Today, closer to WSJ.

I think it’s fine to have it at a higher reading level, hopefully I’m not alone there. I don’t want to be a part of the dumbing down of America.

I’m all for upping the reading level, but you also don’t want to lose your readers either. It’s great to challenge people to learn new words, but you don’t want to lose all your readers because they won’t be able to fully understand the article. Just a thought to throw out there - you may just want to take a stab at the first one and get feedback to see what everyone thought :slight_smile:

I look forward to getting the next installment.

ok so beat90tsi will be doing
Politics, ex: laws that will affect automobiles, like the new EPA testing standards for mpg and that sort of thing.

I would like to get a featured Members ride of the month. (Must be in the Members Rides section!) Think ill put a poll up and will see what happens from there.

All the past events will have links to the media folder as in the past.

Would hope to get another thing from sailor got to talk to him about it.

Upcoming events…

Maybe throw in some sponsers of pittspeed deals?

If anyone wants to throw anything else out there it would be great.

just tell me the due date.

I guess asking for something non-car related for my kind would be too much? he he he he
Although I would love an “easy fix of the month” for a do it yourself but that’s just me and probably not the scope of the newletter

When do you need something? I can’t work without a deadline.

If you had posted this before I went to spring break, I’d have written up and taken pictures. Oh well, maybe next year.

Thats not a bad idea, I think maybe something like having a fix of the month but instead of writing it up, Do it in video. Or performance mod of the month something among those lines.

Hey me and whitey both are always looking for people to take pictures (period). We cant be everywhere all the time if you every take pictures of events (cruises / meets / etc.) and have a decent amount of coverage will throw it on the server and put it on the front page. This goes out to every pittspeed, member.