Wrong number/address

So I live in my grand parents old house that I bought from my parents about 2-3 years ago. The first two years after my parents aquired the house from my grand parents they rented it to two different families. The first were ok not many problems besides the retard starting the stove on fire after spraying oven cleaner in it and turning on the cleaning cycle. Now on to family number 2 the complete scumbag waste of life type of family people 12 people were living in this small house suppose to be 2 adults and two kids. Now my house is barely big enough for my wife, my dog and I. These people moved in paid 2 months rent in advance and never saw a cent after. Took 6-8 months to evict these scumbags which we found out later got evicted from the previous place they were at (found eviction note stuffed behind a baseboard heater vent) and have been evicted from the place they moved to after this house.

I keep getting collection calls for various members of this scum bag clan to a frequency of 2-3 calls per day from 8am to 9pm. Its like these broke fucks opened up various accounts of credit to whomever could get credit used it up, never paid shit moved on. I get calls from collection agencies, telephone companies, banks, visa, etc. You name it they have called for one of 5 of the previous scumbags. I have had my number on a do not call list but it doesn’t affect collections calls so they call and call any way. I have changed my number twice and have and unlisted number nothing of which seems to work. I’m sure they call and get this person doesn’t live here all the time. I tell them who I am and this person doesn’t live here and they say ok we will remove this number from our list and they start calling again 2 days later.

Does anyone have any idea of what else I can do to get these people to stop calling for these people who don’t live here. Its so bad I hardly answer the phone and if it wasn’t for my second job at the airport that requires me to have a land line i’d get rid of it.

Have you tried actually talking to them and informing them you’re a different person? Generally collection agencies go by more than just an address and phone number.

yes I have and politely as well. I talked to a guy with visa and hes like ill remove this number from the system and the same guy from visa collections called back for the same thing.

Around July i got envelope’s from dmv for two of these asshats. Seemed like renewed registrations and licenses from the feel of them. Threw them in the trash were these people belong. The fact that they still use this address with DMV probably doesnt help me out either.

That’s completely bizarre. Generally they just base this on SSN and track you that way. Have you checked your credit report lately? Did your ID get compromised?

  1. Move out of house.
  2. ???
  3. Profit!

best thing to do john is this. Ask the agent to get a supervisor from there explain the situation calmly. Inform them if they call again since you are on a do not call list and this is no longer their address you will file suit. they call 3 times afterthis you just got yourself a new toy. Just keep records and make sure it is from the same comp etc. But this should solve the issue.

Tell the companies again, to remove you from the list, tell them you have the exact date and time from when the dick on the other end of the line said he clicked “Delete”. Tell them if they call back again, for the same thing I will know you didnt actually delete it and I will contact my lawyer for harrasment charges.

Or tell them to send a police officer to the house right now if they think you are really them and wont stop the shit. then the cop might be able to tell them to STFU once and for all?

I believe if a company calls you to solicit while you’re on the do-not-call list, just kindly ask for their name, and record the date and time of call. You can file something with someone and it gets you $11,000 or somewhere in that area. A lot of companies don’t wanna spend money on legal issues, so they will often cut you a check for it if you go to file.

Collection companies or companies making a collection call aren’t required to no call on a do not call list which is the problem im having getting these places to stop calling.

How about changing your phone number? Surely your phone provider can do that.

give them pjb’s number

for a long time I was getting calls on my cell from banks and shit for the people that used to have my number.
Even calls from their daughter’s school. No idea who these people are or what exactly they did but apparently they didnt pay bills.


well I guess I missed that part then.
How they can call you after you change your number is beyond me since obviously the name of the scumbags doesnt match yours.

He can change his number as many times as he wants and that isn’t going to help. They look up the address and match the phone number to it. As for giving them the “I’m on a do not call list” these people calling are not soliciting, they are a COLLECTION AGENCY.

Like someone else said, try to speak with a supervisor to each company that is contacting you and calmly and politely explain the situation. Otherwise there isn’t much you can do about it.

I’ll hit up my collections dept. at work today and see if they have any pointers.

when they call just reply back, ohh sure he is right here just a moment.

put the phone down and watch tv, play some xbox really loud, put on a gay porn in the background, shoot some guns, punch some babys, kick some kittens, until they just hang up.

I think thats the only way to solve this issue.

I do that when someone calls me, and ask me to hold on. No, fuck you. You called me, you dont tell me to “please hold”.