Wrong turn guys? lol

Nice guest appearance on the 1/4 track boys.


Haha. Nice.

What did it run?

i think it was in the low 13s from what i remember

When did Chris get RPF1s?

I think those are kelsey’s wheels on loan.

Sasha drove like a champ today, good shit!


hey good spotting us lol, sash did a 13.2 and i did a 13.7 cause we both suck ass on the quarter mile looll both our MPH were 109… I was catching him!

CSCS, well…it kinda blew. Due to weather obviously.

1/4 mile was ass all day. Lou Perrera cleaned up the left lane nicely though. Although he only ran 276mph. Still a decent run for him. He’s almost always at 298mph. He broke 309mph last time I seen him.

Chris and Sasha…lol. Great effort! I was surprised to see the 350 pull a 13 set up the way it was, along with the tires. One thing though Sasha. your tires were TOO hot. Let alone them being the completely wrong compound for drag.
Chris, decent run my man!
The 350 sounds fucking AMAZING!!! Looks beautiful on the circuit.

The drifting, was WAY better then the last CSCS. The judging was complete fucking bullshit. Although, I do understand…I guess. I didn’t pay much attention to the actual judging part, but by seeing who went on and who didn’t. I wasn’t all to impressed. Still a good turn out.

That red Volvo is Neil’s from Speedy by the car wash @ 10 and fisherman in brampton. I forget whats in it aside from a mustang rear end lol. Nice car.

Would of ran my car down the track…didn’t due to 5th popping out non stop on the way up. Need this tranny to hold out a little longer. Altough holding her in 5th all day sucks balls. What can ya do.

Did anyone see that SUPER SKINNY nasty prostitot dancing by the CSCS stand wearing a “Sexy Bitch” belt. That was the highlight of the day for a myself and a couple friends of mine.

Bing, car looks good.

Mike, I didn’t think you could kick it that well lol. No offense!
Chris, fuck man. every time I see vid’s or you drifting in person, fucking gets better and better every time!!!

Chris, pics of the prostitute?

LMAO! No. she was just a nasty bitch…THAT should of been her belt!

Someone probably does.

haha! i saw that chick! got a good laugh outta that. another highlight was the subaru that was drifting on the grass parking areea when his spoiler fell off lol.

thanks for the kind words chris.

i wish i seen that nasty bitch…i would have taken her home for my parents to see

**Edit… This is Keez I am on pantaloons computer lol.

Actually it was a 13.00 keezy! and i did a 13.5 and a 14.00 haha, super horrible

but thats what happens when you’re on 1200lb springs and have no idea how to drive!!
