wtb 32inch hd tv cable card ready

my father is about to purchase 99 tvs for the hotel. however they cannot have hd boxes through time warner(people would try to steal them) so i was thinking cable card ready tvs would work(i believe those can broadcast 720 and 1080i). he has not talked to timewarner yet about the upgrade. but i am pretty sure his only option would be a cable card. anyways what would you rec for a 32inch tv

i’ve never seen a cable box in a hotel.

I stay in many hotels, and alot of them use a service called lodgenet. A quick call to them would help with your problem.

Putting cablecard in 99 rooms is going to be a shitload of money per month, especially from TW.

I think that many of the hotels use a dish anyways, and they only pay for the ten shitty channels that you get in a hotel.

you can have a box is you build a secure enclosure for it. Still may be expensive.

Consider this: If you buy LCD HD TV’s then those will be WAY more attractive the Time Warners shitty box. People will think $100 for hotel = $300+ TV score.

Better secure those TVs or build enclosures for them.
The screens are delicate as hell too. I would check each room for damage before the person checks out.

lodge net is a cable card if you look in the back of the tv. it is impossible to be stolen. the reason we dont want hd boxes is how cheesy it is. my father runs a hampton inn. it is no shit hole. lodgenet is not very helpful with hd. you always keep customer information for when the rooms are clean to find damage. plus they have nothing but old people and foriegners in them.

what you can do is get TV’s with QAM tuners inside of them…

then what you do is setup the cable service in the place so that each tv is on a cable network that is central to the hotel.

for HD what you would do is run a proccessor to turn the signal from TW into a QAM signal that each of teh HD tvs can decode and display as the channel in HD

ORRR if you dont care abuot that… what you can do is run an anteanna wire into each room and allow each tv to get the locals over the air with the built in HD tuner

Cable card is only so so… TW doesnt support it very well, and they charge 2 bux per card per month… which probably wont be a big deal…

the cards for most tv’s (not many new models have the cable card FYI) are located on the back panel and if the tv is mounted on the wall it is NOT accessable… and since most wallmounts give you the ability to lock them to the wall (using a nice luggage lock) it wont be able to be stolen.

Sharp seemed to deal with CC issues teh best, but i gave up with mine after 2 months… it was kind of a PITA to use,

i would suggest a LG tv, they have a built in guide system that would allow them to each have their own interactive TV guide