WTB : Bike ramp for a pond

Maybe it’s like a book rental store?



dude, i didnt draw that pic. its just for a general idea. and 6 foot high? are you kidding me? dumping it into the water? do you even know what he is trying to do?


Get on bike.
Ride onto ramp.
Land in water.

…then throw the ramp in too?

if i come there will be a flip attempt, and that will need to be recorded

Launch off the ramp onto a inflatable raft and launch someone off the raft into the water.

that would kick ass

lol, thats what i was thinking. why does the ramp need to go in the water? last i checked bikes dont do too good riding through any actual depth of water

hope your joking

me and my friends did this last summer… so much damn fun… my pictures arent working but ill have a few up later. im building another ramp this week or next, anyone know a good spot wheres theres a downslope to a lake.

we flipped it last summer. i was practicing for flipping my klx 110

what are you useing to get the bike back… i tried the long rope thing befor it does not work that well … best was gatorade or water bottles

we just put a life jacket on the bike… it barely floats but it worked fine

Just use dirt:

"holy fucking shit "


what are you talking about? you are saying that you ride through the water then onto the jump? ok maybe put the jump in the water so the edge is right at where the water meets the ground. but we always have done it off of a dock, so that already adds like 2-3 feet of air time…

i was thinking cut those noodles they use for swiming in a pool and put it around the frame and any where…but rope may work, might suck trying to do tricks

I like it Henry, bring some noodles then. lol

lol what are you talking about… ofcourse off a dock

ps if someone has a place ill build a ramp and bring it

idk, i have no idea. lol.

we tied a life jacket to the handle bars which acts as a bash guard too. and i bet a noodle that is hollow and split could go on the top tube with some zip ties.

now that i think about it if you put noodles on all the tubes and handle bars it might float.