WTB: Engine Swap

hey boys n girls…well I’ve made up my mind and I have decided that I want to swap out my current engine (which happens to be a CA) for an SR. I was hoping some of you on here could recommend a reputable shop in EDMONTON where I could get this swap done…hopefully in the next month or so. sooo yeah…suggest away!

what is wrong with your CA and what city are you in ?

Ive got a full front clip here in Edmonton and I can also do the conversion for fair price. Let me know if you actually want it done or if you just want to buy the engine conversion or the whole clip and we can work a deal for ya. I also got some RB’s we can toss in too. Ive got RB20’s and RB25’s if your willing to spend the extra casholla.

Not to cut you down or anything, but have you considered doing the swap yourself?
Personally, I find its a great way to learn about the engine (from reading forums and stuff) and other stuff about the car.

Cause getting someone to swap it for you is more expensive
and you really don’t know/learn anything about the new motor.

Just putting the suggestion out there. GL :partyman:

Ya you can just rent a hoist or even buy one for like 150$.
Seems easy and all if you know stuff about cars.

well honestly…I could probably do the swap with my dad…but…hes more of an american muscle guy…and me…im just starting out with this kinda stuff and don’t know a whole lot…and yes im aware some might say why not do it my self so i learn? well I just don’t have the time and patience at the momet…i would just like to take my car to a reputable shop…where they could pull my current CA…swap in a SR…swap out the t28 turbo off the CA onto the SR…and yeah have my car up and runnin perfectly in a timely fashion…soo yes…if anyone could suggest some reputable shops it would be greatly appreciated :partyman:

it doesn’t get any better than this guy. … give Allen a call, he’ll hook you up!


thread can be locked…thanks for the input guys :drinkers: