WTB: Greddy Emanage w\ harness

I’m looking for an Emanage w\ at least ignition, timing, and injection harness.
Please PM me if you have this kind of setup for sale.
Thanks :smiley:

emanage sucks ass.
first hand experience.

I think newman was born on the wrong side of the bed.


yea not too high on emanage myself either… do they make a power fc or aem for your car? it’d be worth the extra money imho, especially since your boosting a non factory turbo car

i would use it for tuning a buikt N/A car…but its cheap…for boost Power FC

the problem being that theres no “extra” money available as it is

to make the safc work wed need to buy a fpr for about $150, so instead of that if we sell the safc for 150 and add the fpr$ to that, were close to the emanage price

safc is the lowest form of tuning, at least emanage is a step up for the project

and emanage allows pulse width managment and ignition timing adjustment

the only emanage i would get is the ultimate edition. otherwise its not much of an upgrade from the safc. ultimate edition is sweet cuz it makes the changes post ecu so it cant “learn” it.