turbo kit

For engine management for a turbo setup can I use a safc for engine management ? if not what do you suggest?

wow please post less information so we dont get lost in all the details

ROFL Seriously theres sooo much info there I dont even know how to sort it all out

i have a exploited racing stage 3 turbo kit with a forged bottom end and a completly bluilt head with stage 3 mild sport cams and i was wondering what i sohould use for engine management …is that detailed enough?

safc is ment for low boost / small turbo applications, anything more is asking for trouble realy, step up to at least the e-manage

who makes that?.. and where could i get one ?

its the greddy e-manage i use the megasquirt for my setup it has been proven good for 300+ whp so far on cars i know and its cheap too casue i can buy a kit and put it together yourself like i did for about $150 or one already assembled for $300

imho turbo on any car that DOESN"T come turbo stock needs a full standalone unit, not just a piggy back like an afc. you’ll thank yourself later by spending a lil extra money now

AEM/ Motec. Mega squirt if you are hardcore.

motec is a lil overkill…

megasquirt is very DIY especially for some1 who is posting this

AEM is the way to go if they make one for your car

:word: Protect that investment (your bottom end and head) and go with a stand-alone… You won’t regret it.

Megasquirt will work but another good solution is a secondary set of injectors (1 or 2) and a controller. They would work pretty good but youll need somthing to control your ignition timing also.

might want to invest in a new feul pump as well.

people hve had luck with emanage.
there is no plug and play stand alone that i know of.

a company was supposed to be releasing a software package that would allow you
to control your factory ecu, but stuff like that never seems to materialize.

people have also had luck with haltec standalones…

let me help clean this up. safc is ment to tune boosted cars that came that way from the factory, or a NA car that came that way from the factory. its called and afc HACK for a reason.

if you have already dumpped a ton of cash into the engine PLEASE for the love of all that is holy do not be that guy that comes to the tune with a $8000 engine that wants gobs of power, but doesnt think he should pay more than $100 for tuning. (yeah, i havent had to deal with these guys before :rolleyes:)

seems like you have done it right so far, dont fuck it up now.



the ones that are supposedly working on the j-body ecu.

it might not even be for the 95-99 ?
its been like the supercharger… promised forever, but has taken years to make
any progress.

this guy is also trying to use the factory ecu.

if your strapped for cash and dont want to pay to have an AEM custom sired in(if they dont make a harness for your car) then i would go with the e-manage ultimate. greddy’s original e-manage had alot of problems to the ultimate is their comeback and they put alot of attention to details in it and its supposed to be a much better unit. i think you can get one on ebay for about $500 IIRC

eh thoes are iffy IMO i would never for that route

Do the research on a good stand alone, fuel pressure regulator, injectors and fuel pump. Get a copy of the compressor map for your turbo and figure out the optimum flow rate for your engine and go from there. Just my $0.02.

Blow it up…you should not be turbo if you dont know what the F an S-AFC does…go buy a V-AFC and get crazy revs out of the ecotec :tup:

