WTB: House or warehouse on West side

Not positive, but I think this house I had set up is falling through. Pretty bummed

I’m looking for a house on the west side. nothing west of richmond, but if its a nice block like the first block in I might consider it.

Looking to spend ~100k

must have a garage, or a driveway and room to build a garage

I have a ton of cars, as do my dad and uncle. If we could find a warehouse space to store cars, I would build a nice living area, and we could store our cars there.

Again, must be in a somewhat decent neighborhood

If anyone ever sees anything around…

there is nothing good on the west side anymore, all the originals moved out long ago, and now the west side is pretty much fucked because of the idiots that have moved in.

Try on california st. might be something over there.


there is a ton of beautiful architecture on the west side. the only problem is where I’m renting right now (ashland and w. ferry) all the houses are ~$300k

the state street areas are kinda hood, but close to richmond is all right. I almost bought a house on pennsylvania but I think it’s falling through, not sure yet though

:lol: You’re going to buy a garage and build a decent living space onto it. :lol: You sir, are hardcore. :tup:


I would do the exact same thing if I was in the market.