wtb intercooler

looking to buy an intercooler capable of holding 325-400 hp.must be bar and plate…i have a tube and fin now but want to upgrade to better…

ebay best deal. the IC i bought years ago now sells shipped for 130. 24x12x4 core size and i never had any issues with blowing apart of high IATs

yeah i have a ebay tube and fin and my buddy has the same one and hes making almost 300 on a awd dsm so idk if it would hold or not its like 31x15xx3.25

shawn, it dont really matter if you are bar and plate or tube and fin. if you have a i/c now just use it. the difference in hp at the level you are at and for the money you are trying to spend are null.

as for where to go, as mentioned ebay is hard to beat. you can get brand name knock offs for fraction of the price as the real thing. granted, they wont perform the same. yet for money spent you dont care. Think of it this way-- is 10 hp really worth 500 bucks??? turn the boost up one more lb if you really need that 10hp you lost.

well thats the thing i wanna keep mine if it will hold the power im tryin to make this yrs cause the intercooler is nice. just its tube and fin…im just tryin to learn a bit more on stuff so this yrs set up is nice…and i have the money to spend right now so thats not an issue at the moment…all i need to finish my build…

pick turbo up off joe
get vband for my downpipe
change ic pipes to mount my tial bov
arp main and head bolts
main and rod bearings
and a new clutch disc
send crank and everything to machine shop to get balanced and assemble

i made 555whp on a very small full race intercooler. Youll be fine. The only time you will see a huge dissadvantage is at the track when its 90 degrees and your hot lapping.

I like tube and fin setups better since they allow more air to pass through to the radiator. 31x15x3.25 is already a pretty good sized intercooler, I doubt you’ll have any trouble at that hp level.

Ok thanks guys