WTB: Local Welding in the area.

I need to look into fabing my own DP adaptor. Looking for options and prices. Looking for something similar to this. Also id like to look into Log or tubular manifolds and what that would cost.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_qz3b_rdkMWA/SSUaJ081q6I/AAAAAAAAACA/VEq-bSfNaUE/s640/IMG_0052.JPG

clinton welding and fabricating, talk to my dad gary theres nothing he cant make. 716-823 0227

Clinton? hmmm what intersection is it close too?

I could build you anything also, but I would check eBay. There are some pics of some of my work on here, alot of aluminum work.

I was thinking more along the lines of stainless steel. An aluminum dp in western NY sounds scary.

ok, stainless, nickel, Monel, inconel, hastalloy, ti, ectectect. Pick your poison.

haha well judging by the pic above what price range would I be looking at? PM me if you feel you need.

LowlyOilBurner is your man if you need fab stuff like that!

moved to classifieds… not really technical related

speedped welds … o wait nvm

Looking at the title, you want to BUY welders? Slavery ring?

Are you looking to do this to save money? Or because the part doesn’t exist. If it’s the latter, fine. But it’s probably going to be pricey for a nice part. If it’s the former, that’s not how it works.

Awwww now my post doesn’t make sense. :frowning:

And I agree with Newman.

So in other words a custom mani/ dp adaptor would cost more than 700. I was just checking my options. Most decent manifolds weither they be log or tubular start; log from 400 and the tubular go all the way up too 700-1200. adaptors are around 400-500. If I can get it done cheaper with a quality weld and decent material why not. If not, then I’ll just drop the 2000 for this decent kit I found excluding the turbo.

Who makes that “decent kit?”

This is on a FWD VW right? Have fun with torque steer!

If you really need to FAB something that isn’t currently available, talk to this guy:

Otherwise, listen to this guy:

Kinetic motorsport. In the past they’ve been iffy with their older kits but this kit is good for the money. This kit has some great reviews except for the turbo thats why I’ll just be getting the hardware. Id rather a tubular exhaust mani but for the money this kit is great.

The torque steer I’m not too worried about but thanks.

Welp that clears that up. Thanks for the advice

Just get the garret turbo from Clay its better than the rotomaster than is the stock one with that kit. The garret is only $100 more also.

+1 Clay at CTS

? 100 I didn’t know that. I just figured it would be way more because they usually run around 1200 for the gt28rs being that its dual ball bearing.