WTB or Borrow: Air Compressor

I need an air compressor for an impact to do some work on my car. If borrowing, I’d need it for about 2 weeks max. If selling, I don’t need anything huge, and I don’t care if the pump runs non-stop and keeps my neighbors up all night. It needs to be 110 though.

As a matter of fact I do have one I don’t use right now. I think it’s a 15 or 20 Gallon upright haven’t touched the thing in almost a year as there is better one that is hooked up now.

Selling or lending?

Lending, I’d rather have it back for once I move in the next few months. But for now it’s just taking up room.

you can buy one from me Jim, meets all of your requirements.

If you just need it for an impact, consider a electric one. Buy a cheepo @ Harbor Freight for around $40.00. I have one I use at the golf course & it works fine for light duty stuff.

harbor freight electric impact is maybe 100ftlbs if you are lucky. I need to move seized bolts.

Jim, the one I have will probably be exactly what you are looking for, and I will sell it cheap. Motor was replaced a year or two ago, and it only got used lightly since then.