WTB slicks

i’d like to race you from a dig at lvd just for fun:excited

one wheel peel doesnt help your situation either dom

i’m a 1 wheel peeler cuttin 2.1’s fwd on st tires

It does if he’s got a bike.LOL.

And my car is one wheel also and I cut 1.7’s

whatever that means

Are you being a jackass,Or do you really not know what that means?

how often do you hear me about racing my cars? lol i havent had a car worth racing

is it like launch time or some shit?

now your thinkin…But no

i edited while u posted, is it 60ft?


well im hoping to make it up next weds to run the 240…clutch will be going in tomorrow/tues will be on the road thurs

might have to test out some of the tires i have layin around, i have some 225/55R16 BF G-forces but with my slipping clutch they like to spin still

so the clutch isnt that bad then… you sound like travis… yeah man my clutch was slipping hard, but when i shifted into 4th, it was good.

My clutch has been acting funky…

I ran Jon the one night and on the second run back in 2nd my car just went to 6 grand i was like WTF?

Then it seemed fine… Then I was on the highway and when id get on it in 4th/5th… son as boost it 10lbs it would slip for about a second then come back down and grab…

Now it seems fine… I have no idea wtf is going on… either way im sure its shot as the clutch pedal problem i had all last year and just realized this year lmao

my mph was 96

should be able to run a 14.2-14.4 range if you can drive

i will try wed if anyone is going jut let me know how to run good times at the track


lol, high 1st into 2nd would slip like a mother fuck, but around a turn in 1st it would spin them idk, the trans is ready to drop on the ground, then the clutch will go in in the morning and ill be driving it tomorrow afternoon :wow

My buddy ran a 14.1 at 97 with his stock 350 last wed, it was his first time running that car. So I agree with Mk4 that you should be in the low 14s.