wtb upper and lower parts

you really have to meet me before you say some shit about me. if you knew me in real life [not only on this fourm] you would know im a good guy. last thing you have to worry about is me doing something stupid.

i like having fun but not at other people expenses. i help people i dont hurt them.

also i hunt for many reasons, target shoot and collect “cool” guns. nothing wrong with that. i fish and view nature too. i dont just shoot animals to kill shit. wtf. i have indian(native american) in me. i use alot more of the animal than most people. nowadays people drop there kill off to a butcher and never learn how to butcher it there selves. waste alot more than me using a “bigger round”

if you assume something before knowing thats on you. i understand your entitled to your own beliefs but please choose your words wisely. i dont like disrespectful things and im sure you wouldnt like them either.

i wish you good luck and hope you can get a better understanding of me and life.

sorry i had to clear some things up.

good luck with your build.