WTBH: Need job asap


I remember it being at min 10, and that was like 3 years ago. hit em up. burger king in thruway plaza has the windows painted now hiring too


i’d kill for that kinda cash.
i told myself i’d never work in fast food. I kinda think that it doesn’t even matter to me at this point. If it comes to that i’ll be applying there



mighty taco is always hireing they start at 8 a hour tho, and if ya tell the girls who work there u know me you might get a bj in the break room lol


lol my friend works at the one on southwestern, and i also ran track with one of the managers so if worse comes to worse i can try there as well.

Thanks for all the serious posts everyone!

I really do appreciate all the mature responses!

try places like toys r us and target or even walmart. usually theyre looking for guys who can move heavy boxes around at night and shit. Right now, seasonal work is your friend, take advantage,


try places like toys r us and target or even walmart. usually theyre looking for guys who can move heavy boxes around at night and shit. Right now, seasonal work is your friend, take advantage,


I have tried;

Best buy
eb games
Delta sonic
Every fast food place I can think of
Old places of work
Stuben foods

I’m sure theres others. This is over the course of 3 different times.

Shits weak.

wow, well I wish you good luck then.

what area do u live?

try kissing bridge? i would say check seasonal jobs, they seem to hire people quick seeing as it is only seasonal.


i MIGHT be able to get you a job at continental. its factory work. you deal with map sensors and DPF sensors. possibly TCM’s. pm me if youre still looking


you see this, you should do this, is so easy and the money aint all that bad, and there always looking for people


you see this, you should do this, is so easy and the money aint all that bad, and there always looking for people


werd…we’ve been talking via PM’s

cool, then My PM was worthless, lol


cool, then My PM was worthless, lol



lol thanks to all you guys. I’m glad there are people out there who give a shit. haha.

If nothing works out, try to get a delivery job at a restaurant, I deliver and its like having 2 jobs in 1!

Sell me some of your personal belongings.

I am looking for items that have sentimental value to others.

I will purchase organs as well.

Want a liver, lung or splene?

I’d sell you my heart but there doesn’t seem to be one there. My soul also seems to be gone :shrug:

apply UPS online they set you up with an interview the next day my buddy went last friday got hired on the spot…hope it helps

I tried applying in person. That didn’t work.

I might as well give online a try as well.
Thanks for the good info!

im fairly sure I could get you in at Forestview (ive been there approx 6 years). business is booming and as long as there was no bad blood leaving Gardenview you should be fine.

give keystone a shot on ludwig. off broadway between harlem and union. maybe looking for a driver/warehouse person. they pay like 8-10 theyve been taking apllications but we dont hire most people cuz they are all thugs.

894 6262 call them and ask if they are hiring

Good luck man, sometimes it seems like in your time of need there is never anything available. A few years back when I totaled my truck, I was working nights at Tops, which I actually enjoyed, the people that came in at 4am where great. I had 3 bruised ribs and told them I needed a few days off, I guess since I only worked there a few months they said I couldn’t, so I quit.

Then my new car blew a head gasket :frowning:

I was jobless for about 3 months, until I started working at Big D tire, then I got hired at the Highway Dept again, now I’m at Derrick and I love it!

You will be ok and do fine, luck!


I’ve spent the whole day applying and re-applying at places. I can’t hit shit for some reason. I guess this is payback for having 3 jobs all summer.

I’d do that work but, again, don’t have any experience in that.

I guess if I need to post up somethings I’m proficient in;

3 years line cook experience at Gardenview restaurant
1 year dishwasher/bus boy experience at Gardenview
4 months experience at orchard park collision
6 months experience as auto-tech at west herr toyota of williamsville
6 months experience as a sand/soda/media blaster for a board member who can likely vouch for me.

I can learn extremely quick. My money situation is currently a mess and I need to get back on track ASAP.

Thanks everyone in advance.


I cannot fathom why in gods fucking name you would not have posted this in your original post, shit drives me insane.

you can apply for a fuel cell technician job at my company if you want, I don’t think there are any requirements other than good motor skills and can pass a physical & drug test.

Pays $13/hr if I recall.
