wtf Cellino and Barnes??

I just watched an ad for Cellino and Barnes and auto injury. I though Cellino was barred and couldn’t practice again? WTF?

Anyone know anything about the situation?

Pretty sure his license was suspended for only 6 months or something, but that was about a year ago.

Either way, it was only suspended.

word, it was suspended a year or somethin along those lines

they said he’d be back. His face will also be back on the billboards.

I heard they were shady…what was he original story?

They loaned money to a cilent to get by intill their lawsuit payed off, which I guess is illegal, but they only pinned cellino on it.

Yeah I heard it was them loaning money or “pushing” people to loan from a certain business. Illegal, cellino took the fall and barnes only got a warning.

If the case for a client was expected to get say, $1,000,000 the firm would give the client the money up front to get them to use them. They then went to court and won for the client (sometimes more money) and took their fees.

Its not illegal, just not in agreement with the BAR. His liscense was suspended. I am shocked that Barnes didn’t just buy him out.


They loaned money to a cilent to get by intill their lawsuit payed off, which I guess is illegal, but they only pinned cellino on it.


Pretty much.

They paid clients ahead of time saying, “this is what cases usually settle for” and gave them that much. Then when they took it to court, and got more, they kept the profits. From what I remember, it wasn’t illegal, just frowned upon, or it was a kind of loophole.

i knew the person who actually got them caught doing that, the guy got into a bad car accident and they lent him money untill the trial was over and i guess they found out that cellino and barnes did it with a bunch of other clients.

I thought they were “buying out” peoples lawsuit settlements. For example, say a client won a settlement for 10 million dollars where they would only receive 1 million a year for 10 years. C&B would offer them 7 million up front and they would hold rights to the settlement, so they’d profit 3 million.

Either I’m completely wrong and made that up because I thought it was a good idea, or that’s what they did.

Pass McGrass, Rubntug, and Rubicant…Attorneys at law.

I am hiring them!

I hate lawyers. :slight_smile: The Barnes firm is sketchy as hell. As much as lawyers suck in general, definitely don’t trust a lawyer with a jingle.

I thought that was illegal…but you can do it now…


word, it was suspended a year or somethin along those lines


yep, just suspended… ex-gf’s father worked for them and said the same way back in the day

they’re shady as hell

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:11,topic:32849"”]

I thought they were “buying out” peoples lawsuit settlements. For example, say a client won a settlement for 10 million dollars where they would only receive 1 million a year for 10 years. C&B would offer them 7 million up front and they would hold rights to the settlement, so they’d profit 3 million.

Either I’m completely wrong and made that up because I thought it was a good idea, or that’s what they did.


No lots of places do that…

I’m pretty sure they were loaning clients money for fees and expenses, and then charging ridiculous amounts of interest and that’s an illegal practice within a law firm. Had they referred them to PSS (plaintiff support service, i think) it would have been legal… JoesTypeS would know more, I’m pretty sure…

well Celino was de-barred for whatever but still worked there…just couldn’t “practice” law and no they reinstated his license so now he can officially practice law again. I’m not exactly sure what he did to lose it…I thought I heard that they would “lend” money upfront but when they didn’t win enough money from the case…the client stilled owed the remaining fees to them when promised a large sum from their case in the beginning saying they wouldn’t have to worry about it. Then it would go to collections…ruin their credit…etc.


The firm was floating money to its “customers” before a suit was settled.

This is a legal practice… NOW.

It was not legal when the firm STARTED doing it years ago.