ooooooooook guys- just bough a new car, its turbo diesel- wether or not that has anything to do with it i dont know- and heres the thing that happened, driving home- the temp guage is at red hot and the car stops accelerating. i push harder on the pedal and nothing really happens, pull over pop hood chech it out, antifreeze is fine and at a temp about where it should be- not supper hot? umm… wtf is wrong with it??? the fans workin i duno what the deal is- any help?

woah guy. what kind of turbo diesel? a vw? what year?

water temp? oil temp? general temp? The car would stop going because it may have a safety switch in the ecu to prevent harming the motor.

What kinda car…model? etc. How were u driving at the time?

well… its a bmw 525i TDS.

general temp*

and the coolant levels are fine?

maybe your thermostat isn’t doing its job? how many miles on the car?

thermostat? not sure with out looking…but when a thermostat goes it usually sticks closed and doesnt alow the coolant to cycle and cool the motor…just a guess though

i fuckin hope so, and i hope its nothing more because serriously im goin to kill myself if it is. yeah the levels are fine it doesnt seem to be cycling the coolant tho. cars got 140,000 on it and its a 95, the rest of the car is in amazingly great shape and its very very clean.

if its warm and its not cycling coolant then u need a thermostat.

EDIT: or a water pump

my thought was thermostat as well

thats what me and my dad had concluded. if its the water pump im just going to go drink myself dead i have about 20 bucks left.

can i have the car if you drink yourself dead?

on a more serious note, calm down, you sound emo. its probably just a thermostat, friggen like $20 or less to buy. get yourself the haynes repair manual and have at it.

i doubt that it has a cutoff on temp, and if it doesn’t and you drove it till it lost that much Hp, you shaved a good 50k miles off of that hoss. Scuffed pistons and all stuff happens at those temps, rule #1 of driving, if the car stops running properly, applying more throttle only makes stuff break.

i didnt drive like all day with it like that, only about 20 feet till i coould pull over.

the reason i sound so emo is because iv spent the last half of a year trying to get my talon going and it wasnt workin out for me, it broke down everyweek so i got the bmw in an attempt to get away from broken fucking cars and didnt even get home befor this all happened. i have hands down the worst luck with cars.- but thanks to u guys that offered the thermostat being the problem- it eased my nerves

dude when my cars break i just start um on fire and collect

yeah, T-up for full coverage. i think thats my next step lol

On a side note…have u seen the new insurance fruad commercials…!! fucking priceless…lol…“how could you look your kids in the face after commiting insuracnce fraud”

did you put Gas in it?


replace the thermostat yet?