WTF internet?

any reports at all yet of shit being fixed anywhere?

I can’t get a single page to load…my computer won’t recognize any signal…i’m using my old dialup right now

i cant even upload a 5.6kb file.

Uploading is fine on my end here Dos, however still no access to eBay.

I won’t hear anything probably until 8am tomorrow.

posting from my treo :frowning:

still cant get gmail or log into M&T

hope no one had any ebay auctions ending this weekend

i couldnt get anything…but my service at work is ok so I am happy

Still didn’t work when I left for work this morning :frowning:

this is ridiculous.

shit is so slow.







Still didn’t work when I left for work this morning :frowning:



Does UB still have VPN?

If so, just tunnel through their network to go frolicking on the interweb.

tw is still being gay at 930 on my only day off.

Needed to get a few things listed on ebay, and my webpage updated but I don’t think thats happening.

Yesterday it wouldn’t post on NYspeed for me.

my gmail is doing the same thing…
gmail…myspace lol yahoomail is pissing me off too.


mines been acting up today too, so i took drastic measures and went outside and did stuff :ohnoes:


:lol: Lets not go getting all crazy. Stay calm. There’s no need to resort to such insanity.

yea my TW at home is kinda messed up, secure sites wont really load, or let me upload anything

few of my friends have no net at all…

Dedicated T1 at work :slight_smile: so i’m set

yea i work from home, and it wont let me log into the system… loooks like i am going into the office today…

here is time warners customer service number

don’t bother calling the customer service number…it’s a waste of time…

i posted a repost before i saw this thread, but in it i explained my experience with that number…

you call it, it asks for your home number. you push 1 for high speed internet, you push 1 again for technical support…and they know their shit is all fucked up, so they dont even want to deal with you…rather, they have a pre-recorded message that just plays to you saying we know your computer is fucked, try restarting it…try restarting the modem…we’re working on it…

and the funniest thing (and more frustrating) was that they say, if restarting it doesn’t work…sit tight…try restarting it every now and then…to see if something that didnt fix it now, and didn’t fix it last night…might fix it 15 minutes from now…