WTF internet?


this is bullshit. My brothers 56k is faster than tw:bloated:

Just called again, they changed the message saying, you may not be able to access ebay, myspace, or yahoo, or bank sites.

Basically they are putting it in laymens terms that your connection to secure servers is down.

What pisses me off is that they don’t even give you oppertunity to call and request a service credit.

They just say “there is no need to stay on the line” then it goes dead.

Thats really weird they are having issues routing SSL traffic.

Dammit! My Dad just called me, he can’t get to his games! OMG OMG!!! The world is coming to an end…

This sucks. I need my email for work and can’t get it. I am gonna get in a lot of trouble for this too. FUCK TIME WARNER. I am going to get a write-up because nobody’s Internet works.

Ill access and send it to you…

if you like.

Life with out the internet OMG :slight_smile:

Well, the way I see it, is my parents area is far too wealthy to lose internet…


Well, the way I see it, is my parents area is far too wealthy to lose internet…


All about the back up plan…I have a dial up account and a cingular card…and both offices have internet :headbang:

If you really need to get online goto Starbucks or something.

i cant even get on at home… thank god for T1 at work <3. fucking tw

thank god fredonia states web is working fine.

i have to resort to checking my gmail on my cell phone. ahhhhh :slight_smile: :slight_smile: <3 nerds

I called that 866 number for like an hour this morning and it was busy. I called NY HQ and they told me that my dads has no account. That none of our info is coming up in the PC. I finally got thru and then it disconnects after I hit 3 for problems accessing the internet.

does anyone know when FIOS will be here and how much its running??? We already left time warner cable for direct tv.

Im at my bros now… DSL ftw

Gmail works if you access it in Outlook Express.
For those who don’t have the servers:

i dont know how many people have the same cheapo Motorolla modem that you can rent from TW when you first sign up…but for those that do…are you experiencing this same problem?..

All the top 4 green lights are lit and fine, showing that the modem has a good connection and what not…but the orange light that’s supposed to constantly be flashing is the one not working for me…the one that says “PC/Activity”…

so it would seem i have a connection, just the modem isn’t recognizing the computer itself or something…

Am i the only one with this modem having this type of issue? I can’t get on ANY site at all…let alone the specific ones mentioned on the TW recording…

what sucks the most is that this is the last week of school, and today and wednesday are the only days i have off during the day at all and can get any of the many assignments and papers i have to do done…

I think i might go up to UB with nick and see if i can get to my mail from there. I also need it for work. Ill let you guys know

this really sucks, i need to get emails out.


i dont know how many people have the same cheapo Motorolla modem that you can rent from TW when you first sign up…but for those that do…are you experiencing this same problem?..

All the top 4 green lights are lit and fine, showing that the modem has a good connection and what not…but the orange light that’s supposed to constantly be flashing is the one not working for me…the one that says “PC/Activity”…

so it would seem i have a connection, just the modem isn’t recognizing the computer itself or something…

Am i the only one with this modem having this type of issue? I can’t get on ANY site at all…let alone the specific ones mentioned on the TW recording…

what sucks the most is that this is the last week of school, and today and wednesday are the only days i have off during the day at all and can get any of the many assignments and papers i have to do done…


Are you using a router?

bah my TW just went down while i was home on lunch, got the free dns servers in there, worked great, could actually use my FTP

and then i lost everything :frowning:

shove it TW!