WTF is this world coming to

Court Overturns Father’s Grounding of 12yr Old

You have got to be kidding me! A father grounds his 12 year old daughter off the internet because she posted inappropriate pictures of herself. The daughter SUES the father. Court sides with the kid. I don’t know much about the legal system up there but this is just crazy. All I can say to that little girl is that she’d better hope Canadian foster homes have PCs with internet access.

According to court documents, the girl’s Internet transgression was just the latest in a string of broken house rules. Even so, Justice Suzanne Tessier found her punishment too severe.

Thanks to [H] Forum member MrAgmoore for the link.

That little cunt deserves to be put into the street

Canada, when California isn’t liberally douchy enough for you.

cant the dad just stop paying for the internet, and let her decide how to get it?

The ruling got overturned because the judge recognized her from those pics and wanted to see mooooaarrrrr.

wow, how rediculous.

so teach parents they cant be parents anymore :gotme:


damn that is fucked up we dont agree about much but i agree with u on this one.

lol yeah, poor father gets sued by little cunt daughter.

god id be so pissed off if that was me


he could also stop paying for the electric, make her pay rent, etc. the point is, the internet is a privelege, not a basic human need. if she is mature enough to sue over her grounding, she should be booted from the house.

A Gatineau judge’s bizarre attempt to undermine a father’s authority sends a frightening message to all parents: When it comes to raising children, the state knows best.

Madam Justice Suzanne Tessier of the Quebec Superior Court sided with a 12-year-old girl who challenged, in court, her father’s decision to ground her. The girl had been living with her father – the parents are divorced – and he forbade her to attend a school trip after she disobeyed his instructions to stay off the Internet.

The girl then moved in with her mother, who was willing to let her go on the trip – but the school required that both parents give permission, so the daughter took her father to court.

What happened next – Justice Tessier’s overruling the father – has been described as such an aberrant decision that other courts are unlikely to follow its lead. Even so, the decision carries symbolic weight and parents are right to wonder what the implications are.

The case is somewhat muddied by the fact that the girl’s divorced parents disagreed over the proper punishment. In this sense, the case is not simply one of a child seeking court intervention against parental authority. In the end, though, that is just what Justice Tessier did when she took it upon herself to pronounce on the merits of grounding.

If anything, the father’s behaviour appears to be right out of a good parenting manual: He repeatedly warned his daughter to stop behaviour that he found inappropriate and told her there would be consequences if she continued. She did, and he followed through on his warning.

This was hardly an instance of cruel or arbitrary authority. There was no abuse involved, not even close. The father, it seems, used clear and consistent warnings, letting his child know that there would be consequences for inappropriate behaviour. This is how you raise responsible children who understand the results of their actions. It is an approach to discipline that should be encouraged, not outlawed by the state.

The alternative – corporal punishment – has traditionally been used by parents who, out of frustration, can think of no other way to exercise authority over their children. Coincidentally, the so-called anti-spanking law passed through the Senate this week, representing a growing consensus that hitting children is unacceptable.

But an absurd court decision like the one in Gatineau is enough to make parents ask: What’s left?

that’s so friggin lame, read that earlier on [H]. What a message to send to children


eh, ill give it to the daughter for creativity and follow through on challenging it. this is the type of thing i would have done when I was that age, only not to my parents, if I thought I was in the right and wanted to get my way. But a teacher or something, it would be on.

Words cannot describe how bad I feel for that father. There he was trying to be a good parent and his daughter leaves him, his ex undermines him, and the court tells him he’s wrong. How do you go on trying after that? He pretty much has to give up on being part of his daughter’s life once the mother and the court tells him his parenting was wrong.

^ my thought exactly. how are u guna have a court tell u how to raise your kid? i could see if he was an addict or something but he was trying to protect his daughter, but that ungrateful little bitch would rather be a whore than try and be a good person, and i swear if i ever have a daughter and she is 12 and she is taking pics like that i would have done alot more than just take the net away from her

^ Seriously. Wow.

Anti-spanking law?

Wait, what?


And people ask me, why don’t you have kids…?

Don’t get me wrong, I love kids and my wife and I would be great with our own, but WTF with all these news stories.

if this was my daughter, no internet, no cellphone, deal with it. Especially if she was putting up questionable pictures of herself on the internet.

if i ever have a daughter she’s going to be wearing fisher price shit till she’s 18

so, how did the daughter pay the lawyer?

[didn’t read article]