WTF is worng w/people (Montreal Shooting)

I am sure you heard about this…but what the F*** is wrong with people.

thats just fucked up

what a f’n dork

Its always the “dorks” with all the built up anger from asshole fucking with them all the time




Sad thing is that is probably enjoying more traffic than they ever imagined :reloading

and all these fucker who pull this sick shit always are the “same dude”…all into their dungens and dragens/goth bullshit

what an idiot… the dude is a coward and obviously disillusioned… much like a lot of people (some even on this site)… killing yourself is the biggest cop out ever…

this is the reason why everyone should carry a gun… as soon as he pulls out a rifle and starts shooting just shot that fucker in the head… i carry a gun on me a lot more than i dont… for reasons exactly like this.

people are fucked up… it’s no surprise.

He was shot by the police…about everyone should carry a gun…I agree somewhat…but there are some dumbfucks that have no right to ever touch a gun…but I get your point and agree

There was a kid I went to highschool with, similar to that guy in nature, he stuck a gun up his g/f’s vagina and it accidentally went of. She went to hospital and he was arrested.

:gives: it was in canada

she has a nice ass!

dude wtf is with gothic people?

whats up with green boogers why do they fly so far off your finger when flicked?

ha ha ha. “I’ve got a great idea hun, why don’t I fuck you with a pistol and blow your twat into the neighbors yard”? People are stupid.

here are some more kids planning to do this stuff… Thank god they caught them before anything happened.