WTF Macy's v. Citibank

So my wife got a Citibank card that she claims she never signed up for. I hadn’t checked on it yet.

Then I just got a Citibank card I never signed up for.

So I go and pull my credit reports. Sure enough. There’s a Citibank Credit Card account opened just recently hurting my score.


So some quick googling turned up a ton of stories like this one:

Macy’s Screwed me over
okay you’re just not going to believe this one.
I subscribe to this service by American Express called CreditSecure that tells me anytime there is a change to my credit score/record. My credit score has been 791 for about a two years consistently and hasn’t really changed.

Well I went shopping at Macy’s last weekend. I used to have a Macy’s card a while back and I hadn’t used it in a long time. So the guy at the counter asks me if it’s been a long time and I said yes so he says, well then you can just apply for another one now and get 20% off all your purchases today. I was buying close to $2K worth of stuff that day so the $400 sounded good and I figured, meh, an inquiry against my credit will be around 10 or so points and I can deal with it.

Anyway, today I get an alert from CreditSecure so I figure, oh yeah, the caught the Macy’s inquiry. I check the account and there are SIX alerts!!!

Naturally I’m thinking WTF!!!

One was from Cingular/ATT for that iPhone idiocy I did last month, no big deal. The others where 1 new inquiry from Macy’s, ok, and 1 new account from Macy’s, also okay.

The other 3 were a total shock:


I do a search on those and find that Macy’s has been literally bending people over. So here’s the deal.

Apparently, back in July, Macy’s sent out some notice to all the customers that hadn’t used their account in a while, that if they were going to sign them up for a Citibank card. The letter apparently said that if you want to opt out of this card you have to let them know that in writing, otherwise they were going to sign you up for the card and have citibank issue it.

Now, not only did I not get a letter in the mail, I never had to even agree to this deal. How in the world does Macy’s figure that people are just going to sit back and let them open new credit accounts for them without authorization?

Well so, I called my attorney and he agrees that I can sue Macy’s for bringing down my credit score (by 30 points) by doing something on my behalf just because I didn’t tell them not to do it.

My advice is, if you haven’t used your Macy’s card in a while, call them and tell them that you DO NOT want a citibank card. I for one already cancelled the citibank card, and will never shop at Macy’s again for as long as I live.

What. The. Fuck.

Ouch, people at Macy’s are bigger fggts than Nikuk.

didn’t read allthatshitbyyou.jpg

Alot of times you can sign up for cards “accidentally”, kinda like how noob PC users can install IE Toolbars accidentally when they are bundled with something else.

thats fuckin grimey

dude, i got a letter from sears like that… i opened a sears charge like 10 yrs ago to get 10% off a lawnmower, and last month they sent me some nonsense that it was getting converted to a mastercard…

i hate this crap.

That sounds outright illegal. How can someone open credit in your name without your permission.

I have had cards converted from one store to a bank, like a planet hollywood card that when the place closed, turned into a BOA card. But this sounds hands down illegal.


Citibank bought a ton of inactive Macy’s accounts and “upgraded” them to their own cards.

Yeah that’s it I am canceling my Macy’s account, I will use it like 1 time a year so whatevs

holy shit… glad I canceled my Macy’s card when I did. Thats some bullshit right there.

problem solved, dont shop at macys.

ahh nice.

“agressive marketing”.

not exactly a SOP, but not unheard of.

macys does a lot of shitty things i hear all about them at work, the biggest thing i hate is that they offer an extra 20% discount to canadians but the people that live here get shit

Yep. Not illegal, just shitty. I’m still going to call and close it and dispute it at the credit reporting agencies. Going to close my Macy’s card too.

having my brother in law pull my credit reports right now for me…

how is the new card hurting your credit score?

IIRC opening a new account knocks off a few points?

Oh well. I’m still above 770. :headbang:

F to the mother fucking AIL.

:search: :noob:

wait, did you just agree with me today


I’m not doubting you, I’m just saying I didn’t pull that out of my ass.

Sureshot! & I both have explained this before.

Oh, wait, you’re an engineer…

T H I S A C C O U N T B E I N G N E W L Y O P E N E D W I L L N O T C A U S E Y O U R S C O R E T O D R O P B Y A F E W P O I N T S.