WTF: Roommate or Place to Rent

so yeah the place we are staying at now… well myself and my little dog… are being demolished for something with the city of niagra falls? :gotme: but yeah so if anyone has a cheap room or apartment for rent that would be great… the sooner the better

what area are u looking for a place?

as long as its not expensive i could care less… its only me and my dog… which is little so she takes up no room… but i will getting rid of her within 2 weeks cause i just don’t have the time to take care of her.

so yeah i don’t have a preference towards area as long as its not a 30 minute drive to buffalo…


i have a room for rent in a nice house in the town of ton… whats your age? work status? school status?

im 23 i work full time… no school 4 year degree…in 4 and a 1/2 months i will be in a goverment job… but id rather not say doing what… o1audis4 and a few others know…

other then that bills wise i have my cell my insurance and if the place comes with high speed net… i will gladly pay for that …