WTF Snowbank?

I was driving home Saturday night down NFB and a plow left a wall of snow in the road about a foot high. I hit it on the right side of my car.

Driving my car down the highway this morning the whole car shakes going 55+.

Does the whole car shake when the wheels are out of balance or just the steering wheel?

the whole car can shake. If it wasnt shaking as much at slower speed, definitely snow build up in the wheels…

snow stuck in the rim will unbalance, causing vehicular parkinson’s.

could be out of ballance from the snow how bad is the shake? noticeable, annoying, really annoying, scary, or uncomfortable?

Try driving thru a touchless car wash…usually gets the snow out of the rims.

Just not the one at NFB and Keonig. lol

LOLZ your wheel is probably a few POUNDS out of balance.

Jam wooden broom stick in each spoke = problem solved.

I get this all the time from drifting in the snow. Sometimes it’s so bad my eyes shake when I get up to hi-way speeds. Car-wash ftw.

Yes this one will leave soap on your car…


Yea its only at higher speeds. I will take it to a car wash tonight and see what happens.

It would make sense, its been so cold the snow wouldn’t melt. I kicked out a shit load of ice buildup in the wheel well last night. I will check the wheel. Thanks :slight_smile:

take it to a car wash pressure wash the rims you will be good

x12343 on snow buildup.

Possible it could’ve knocked off the alignment, but that shouldn’t give the car the DTs.

after some parking lot fun my car shakes like its got Parkinson’s

Is it only at higher speeds? I was driving around Amherst sunday and I didnt have any issues but as soon as I got on the 290 and hit about 55-60 it started sharing. Not just the wheel, the whole car. There is a lot of ice buildup so hopefully it will just be that and I didnt knock my car out of alignment or balance.

yes 55 60 then it will go away higher the speed. trust me the first time it happen to me i panic. i went through a car wash and it was all ok.

My car seems to have snow packed in the wheels most of the time.
Right now I can’t even drive 50mph.:biglaugh:

Haha thanks. I will go through the car wash today. I was freaking out and wondering what the hell is broken on my car now. Hopefully everyone is right :slight_smile:

It’s like a nice massage chair, going down the highway for me.

My friend did that as well, saturday night/morning though. A foot high wall of hard chunky snow, cracked the front bumper and fucked up his foglights on his 323ci. =