Question is, would out balanced wheels be a bit shaky in lower speed but more stable in higher speed? Thats what my car is doing
by saying more stable means it still shakes but better than low speed
lower speed=40mph-50mph
higher speed= 60+mph
Question is, would out balanced wheels be a bit shaky in lower speed but more stable in higher speed? Thats what my car is doing
by saying more stable means it still shakes but better than low speed
lower speed=40mph-50mph
higher speed= 60+mph
the question is, why?
oh i forgot to ask the question lol
question is, is that possible? and also why?
no, normally the higher the speed the worse the shake, you may have a shifted belt.
what does that mean?
Besides that, the car drives 100% normal
what kind of vehicle? facotry wheels? how old are your shocks? when is the last time the wheels were balanced? it is entirley possible for the wheels to only shake at a certain speed because of a balance issue. shifted belts usually are felt the entire time. bad shocks can also be speed dependant, see this alot on high mileage hondas (200k+)
car is a 96 Del Sol stock suspension(no problem i believe)
new 15 " Konig wheels and tires a month ago
oh and it has 129k miles.
try balancing as that is the easiest cheapest way. and while on the balancer whoever is balancing would be able to notice a shifted belt. so you can kill two birds with one stone there. if it’s not that i’d start checking suspension/steering parts (tie rods,ball joints).
you may also have a bad wheel or a bad cv joint. ive had both of those cause low speed wobbles/shakes on cars ive had
The wheels were balanced at Walmart, I believe they did a crappy job and I hate that place now because the scratched my wheels
Can anyone recommend a good place that is relatively cheap? I dont want to spend like 80 plus tax just to balance 4 wheels