WTF Spider in my TV

I have a 52 inch Sony HD projection. There is a fat spider walking around BEHIND THE FUCKING GLASS. How the fuck am I going to get that thing out of my TV?


Come over to my place and watch it on the projector. Then feel sad once you get home. :mamoru:

Damn you FuzzyFish! That isn’t helping.

If I get this fuck out of there, he shall meet a terrible, terrible death.

Turn the volume up a lot and hope it isn’t deaf? :shrug:

It just crawled off of the screen. But it’s still in there somewhere. And I want it dead.

pics, now lool

If it crawls back in front of the picture I’ll get one.

I had the same thing happen with my HD projection set about 3 months ago. It really sucks for hockey because the black spider spot looks just like the puck.

Good news, taking my set apart takes about 5 minutes, and gave me an excuse to clean it up nice.

I’d have no idea how to take this thing apart.

Googleing now.

That is very,very funny.Thanks for letting me know about the game.

vacuum cleaner?

You’d like me to suck it though the glass?

If I stick a vacuum a vent on the side, it won’t do anything. The case on this bad boy is too big for that to work.

maybe unplug it an then spray a little raid in it? I dont know what to really suggest im just throwin out random ideas

unplug the tv at night/when you arent using it and setup a spider trap near the back of it.

jesus do not take that TV apart, projection is very dependent on every angle and distance being perfect.


jesus do not take that TV apart, projection is very dependent on every angle and distance being perfect.


:bsflag: rip 'er open!!!


jesus do not take that TV apart, projection is very dependent on every angle and distance being perfect.


I had determined that being a poor idea withing 30 seconds of my google post.

I want this bastard dead.

spray bug killer in it :stuck_out_tongue:


I had the same thing happen with my HD projection set about 3 months ago. It really sucks for hockey because the black spider spot looks just like the puck.



bug fog the whole room, use 15-20 of the foggers to make sure your really get it :wink: