28 damn is tight, i use every bit of my lane and not giving up that space.
if you consider that running you off the road, Then so be it. I’m taking it like it or not.

How can you tell they dont look? your probably so far up on his DOT bar cant even see his mirrors. Or in the sweet spot of death near the drive wheels.

Sweet spot of death? hahaha

fuckin gay

the legislator is just a pussy and is scared to drive close to trucks

Why don’t we all just arm ourselves for some good old fashion vigilante mayhem? . . . LOL
I agree that sometimes truckers drive way out of line, like pacing 2 bikers doing 80 on the turnpike. (it was an NFL truck though) If you restrict trucks to the right lane then they cant move over at on ramps to let people on causing back-up on those damn things because everyone flys down them then jacks their brakes instead of planning their merge. Although some of the merge lanes are rather short, I guess from a time period when cars weren’t that fast? I dont see lane restricitons and speed limitations improving anything, you can get in the same accident at 30,40, etc. with a truck the outcome I think most likely would be the same. What we need is improved EDUCATION for drivers of cars AND trucks. I don’t even want to get into all the “ideas” I have for this states transportation industry.

I say PASS it, It’s about damn time these truckers learn that they aint no better than a normal guy in SUV.

he said. “Cars are just midgets compared to trucks.”

kinds off topic but someone should bitch at him for this comment. i dont think midget is politically correct…:blue:

also cars who cut trucks off are just angels that havent been made yet.

or vice versa

Problem is, the whole issue relies on people obeying laws that already exist.

There’s already speed limits, and the law states slower traffic keep right. If people would do the latter, we could ignore the former more easily.

:cookie: :madfawk: ok… well dont bitch when theres no bread or no gas in town because the trucks that deliver it are stuck behind a peterbuilt hauling a 45ton crane thru the mountains at 15mph…

think before you type please…

lonely job with no supporters. not worth argueing

When a truck literaly almost stops in the left lane during a merge point to block traffic, it just drives me crazy. Since shooting is not an option… can I call the police or something? Write down his plate? Im sure this has to be illegal, someone correct me if im wrong. I can’t stand most truckers. I do appreciate a trucker that knows how to drive tho… they are very curdious people… It just seems like there is noone nice in the middle… its either a trucker is extremely nice and considerate, or a total fucking prick.


i know your right!

i know your right!

look at the side of his truck and call the company on him with a plate # , but never be a prick back because the cb radio is faster than your car youll be fucked by alot more trucks than just that one.

^ :rofl: very true.

Yes, a lot of truckers are dicks on the road. Of course, so are a lot of non-truckers.

CDL drivers should unite, make carpool mandatory.
see how the non commercial public likes stupid laws!

great idea.

U can’t get the damn truckers to stand together for lower fuel costs, cheap hookers, or good weed. They sure as hell aint stop bringing bread and gas. There are way to many young guys poping out of school ready to drive anything, they old guys that might stick together will just get fucked in the end.

And just for the record, I ALWAYS think before I type. So you can take your :bsflag: and stuff it.

the young drivers should take a stand but the old guy’s are the problem. if your 55 and older you wont stand with the young guy’s . its a seniority thing or something. the old guy’s think they know it all but in fact they had it good and let it slide through their hands by cutting each others throat and back stabbing each other. in the 50’s and 60’s early 70’s they were making more cash than they are now.

Never ever will happen. Thiers 15 guys to take 1 guys place.
Turnover rate is ridiculous.

I wonder why-

: Orientation 2-4 Weeks long,Shacked up with a dude in a truck.
: Still not Garanteed a job.
: Get Lied to by recruiters
: Dispatchers are a fucking joke.
: The qualcomm is damn annoying.
: The DOT always rides dirty.
: Always Someone bitching at the terminals.
: Truckstops are fucking tiny!! Be lucky to get a spot after 5pm.
: Very hard to get local CLASS A job without very good recommendation or 1-3 minum experience.
: Logbooks are good for cleaning windows and mirrors.
: Tripaks suck ass
: Road Assist can tickle my balls.
: the Shippers / Recievers are friendly like a bear on the hunt for stinky fish.
But in the end, The CDL MILLS still crank them out.


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