WTFind: Housemate

You guys aren’t 20 anymore… finding people your age who are still looking to rent a room in a bachelor pad IS going to keep getting harder and harder because the ones who aren’t socially awkward are starting family lives.

When you’re hitting 30+ and looking for a 1 bedroom rental in a bro-house you’re more and more likely to be this guy:

LOL, so if you’re not ready to hand your balls over at 27 and you enjoy having a life, you’re socially awkward? Good one. I am actively fighting off the girl I’m seeing from moving in here because I know it’s not something I’d enjoy.

Just charge her rent. LOL


I totally would. But I am just not into seeing someone every day. Besides, might as well sell the hot tub if you have old Buzz Killington checking up on you out the window

Maybe you should find another girl? The girl I married lived with me for over a year in a serious bachelor pad. It made me realize how awesome she was, I married her last July

Just because you get married, doesn’t mean your life is over. If your wife sucks, that may be the case. I guess I’ll never know

I don’t know your wife, but I can count on one hand the number of married guys I know whose lives I’d be happy with. No knock on them, it’s just not for me. Forever is a long time. I’ve never met someone that I’d want to see every day. Meanwhile, out of the personals and back to the real estate section…

Im with Jam on this one; kind of similar situation too.

Your place seems awesome, but a smaller and smaller group of indivuals that it will work for, thats all.

…Commences search for a urinal for my house.

This is classifieds so lets keep it to that. But feel free to start an advice for Joe thread in OT which could certainly be fun haha

In for OT advice thread. lol

1st of the month bump!

Good luck. Sounds like a perfect situation if I ever abandoned my house. :tup:

I’ve thought about getting a roommate but for an extra $600/month, I’d rather have my peace and quiet. I’m too picky.


Haha, you’d be exactly the type of roommate I’d be looking for. My problem is working with all old people all week, I think living alone will be too quiet for me. I’ve never done it.

Let me check on the price of a divorce…

Bump cause I assume the divorce was too expensive.