WTH : Honda Tuner.

I need somebody to tune me and maybe install a map sensor. If no one can do it VERY WELL I will just go to Innovative. I could install the map sensor I just hate messing with stuff like that. I just want my current tune redone and if your good I will have you tune it when I decide for more boost. I’m currently on crome but I have no preference.

  You can do what ever you want to my ecu as long as it runs right.  

  It has a lumpy idle which makes my engine shake forward and back and runs super rich.  If  you can tell me how to fix this I'll paypal you 20 dollars if it works. Dead serious. I've researched and tried everything and can't figure it out.
  1994 GS-R w/ a Turbo JDM B18

Thanks for any help. :nerd:

I doubt anyone is going to want to start tuning a ill running car.

your idle is your iacv. take it off and clean it out with brake cleaner/simple green whatever.

now gimmie my 20bucks :slight_smile:

Your MAP sensor would make the a/f ratio mess up and cause it to run/idle crappy. The IAC wouldn’t affect that, but it may change your idle RPM. Run the engine and unplug the MAP sensor and see if it stalls or changes, which would be the MAP.

So basically what you’re saying is, every single b18 integra ever produced has a shitty map sensor? Seeing as EVERY integra/b18 swap i have ever been in has idle problems. and seeing as my car did the same thing, and i cleaned the IACV, and it was fixed and didn’t touch the map sensor at all, as with everyone else in the world who owns a honda and cleaned their iacv and didnt touch the map sensor, i guess there could be this .01 percent chance that that is the problem. His car is running rich because of the tune.

the symptoms of the iac are only noticeable while idling, there is no affected performance while the car is being driven, unless it’s completely clogged, but then the car would’nt start at all, or would run REALLY shitty


Haha, Yeah I realize it would be dumb to tune a shitty running car. I was hoping to have it running right soon. Yeah I have read all about the IACV and it seems to be my problem so I’ll get at it, I just didn’t want to really unless I was pretty sure.
The map sensor is not the problem, I just have a 2.5 bar one to install.

 The main purpose of this post was to maybe find someone who tunes but might not be working at a shop or something just in case.  I like having more then one option available.

Does it continue to surge in idle even when the car is not warmed up? If so then it is NOT your IACV. The IACV would only affect the idle AFTER the car is warmed up and cause it to surge (if it is a bad/drity valve that is). If your motor is doing this constantly then is more than likely be your FITV or Fast idle valve. If this valve is dirty or broken it will not do its function which would cause it to constantly surge at idle…

Also you say your running rich?? Well your not tuned, so leave it rich. Better safe than sorry. Are you running an OEM FPR? Or is it aftermarket? Whats your fuel pressure at?

EDIT: Here man i found this for ya. See if this works. *** How-To*** Clean Your FITV aka Fast Idle Thermo Valve - Honda-Tech - Honda Forum Discussion

hard to believe noone has mentioned the TPS yet. Very good chance that could be it.

I cant remember what it’s called, but on obd1 gsr motors, they have something effects the cooling of the motor or some shit, its a sensor as welll that you can clean, i don’t know what year his motor is, but obd2 cars did not have it. it’s more than likely his iacv

or a boost leak…

theres the iacv and the fitv you might as well clean both
…just realized scspeed said that

is that the map sensor i gave you with the car??

and get the car tuned by a pro, i dont even no how u would trust some stranger thats just asking for problems

motor blows up and then what?
get it done by a pro i would suggest synapse but thats just me i also heard that chris from xenorcon is coming to rochester this summer for a tuning session if u wanna try to find out mroe about that it may be an option

Nah I’m not going to get it done by a random stranger, I guess there is no one around here who just happens to have a good reputation as a tuner. I know who I am going to have tune it. Thanks for the tips, I’m going to do it tonight.
I guess it’s not the iacv cause it’s as soon as I start the car up but I might as well do it all.

This might as well get moved to the diagnosis section :slight_smile:

Give Swerve Motorsports a call :tup:

yes i give bigups to swerve as well.

dude it seems mad hondas are plagued with this garbage… a good tune should get rid of the surging problem, but it will never idle the same