Help, weird idle

ok , so i have a b18c1 motor in my si. I used my stock ecu for little and when i startd it cold, the rpms shot up to like 3 grand and once it warmed up they went back to a normal rpm. Today i got the jumper and the p72 hooked up and it still has a weird idle

not really sure what i should do, i guess i might bring it to a shop to have them take a look at it but for all you honda guys who know their shit, maybe one of you could help me out. Or when im in your area at least look the car over. Ill be in albany tonight and im gonna try and have my friend al look it over, but more than one opinion would be better

any ideas? or anyone right around the sutters area wanna check this thing out.

oh , one other thing that im not sure matters cuz it just happened but my cat is loose as a fuck right now Just thought i would throw that in

I wonder if your Fast Idle Air Control Valve is crappin out on ya, thats just my guess. But I know there are plenty of Honda guys that are far more knowledgeable on here, so hopefully one of them can jump in.

never heard of that , ill look into it … cant hurt, thanks

Are there any check engine lights on?

Going to have to say something with your FIAC too. Theres two things that mainly control the idle its the FIAC and the IAC. Doesnt should like the IAC though becuase it idles high when cold and back to normal when cold. Id have to see it.

yes, i got an apt with a shop in my area tomm. We will see what they say. Ill mention what you guys said though , thanks

NO! Dont go to a shop and have them charge you to tell you what the CEL is. Go to a local advance auto and they will run it for free.

You might be able to get away with cleaning your IAC-Valve which is located on the back of your intake manifold.
I could have typed up the process I used, but the one on honda-tech is pretty good.

Good luck

vac. leak??