WTH: Kitchen cabinet installer

i could probably do this myself, but i would rather pay someone else to do it…anyone know someone good? im not looking to spend too much here, but i would like it to be done well.

i have a cabinet guy, but if anyone else knows of somewhere i could get cheap cabinets/countertops let me know so i can compare.

It is soooooooo easy to install cabinets. Try it yourself. If you have good walls, and all the cabinets measured out right, should take you an afternoon. Buy some cabinet screws for mounting them in the wall and some shims.

thats what i am worried about. my walls arent the greatest. but honestly, if i could pay someone like $100 to do it that would be money well spent.

For $100, you better only have 2-3 cabinets to install…

^ lol, for serious.

well, i mean if i help with it some too. i would like someone to come in and be like here is what you do. and put in all the shims and all. i can do the lowers, im not too worried about that.

while im at it…i will need a dishwasher installed too. anyone know someone for that? i do not have one now, but there is an electrical line right above where i want to put it in. so that should be easy. im just not too sure how much work will go into plumbing etc.

You mean you can do the uppers? The lowers are the ones that require the most work with shims and leveling.

really, i would have thought the bottom would be easier. i talked to a couple of guys at work that said it is pretty easy. so i dunno. maybe i will give it a shot. i also saw some of those ready to assemble ones too. they are pretty cheap and look like they may be a good deal. but that is also a lot of work putting it all together.

they’re all pretty “easy” depending on what you’re comfortable with. Just take your time.

I’m not saying it’s hard, but with the lower cabinets you have the wall and the floor to contend with, not to mention they all have to be level with eachother or the countertop won’t fit right. The uppers only require shimming the wall, if needed.

i mean…im pretty good with stuff like that. i would be more concerned with the time it would take me. if someone can come in and do it in a day great, where it may take me like 2 weekends because i tend to get sidetracked. i put in the floor myself in the new house and that went well. it was money well saved.

i need to do the countertop too. it is a 13’ linear run so i am thinking that will be a bastard to put in. i just want this done though. these old metal cabinets are killing me.

word, in a nutshell

Measuire a line from your floor for atleast 18" of space (ideal size of appliances to sit on counter) create a level line around the whole kitchen, and when you are on a section, screw a 2x4 about 2 cabinet widths in length , screw one cabinet to the wall first and the screw the next cabnet to the cabinet you screwed into the wall… its pretty easy to install cabinets but there is no way at all that you will find someone to do it for only $100

^ you have to find the high spot in the floor first, before you do anything