Wthire: someone to tow a large truck

My brother drove up in his f250 from Texas and he got hit on the 198 and it rolled his truck

Anyone have the capabilities to move a large truck like that 9000lbs ish so he
Can get the truck somewhere to get his parts off it and ie bio diesel kit for
Next truck

Anyone that does know him he is perfectly fine

do you have 2 brothers or did Dave move?

This is dave he is back on military leave from San antonio

I could tow it with my cobalt :mamoru:

lol GL with the search pal

Turns out it’s gonna be on all the news channels LOL maybe even an interview

damn, well glad he is alright.

Where on the 198 was it? That sucks man. Glad he is ok though. I def didn’t know what to say when you called me haha.

i just saw this on the news glad he is ok how many times was it rolled?

Just turned on the roof and did a little darkslide on the 198

If you can rent a trailer from U-Haul, my truck can pull it. I think they are only like $50 a day. Does his truck still have 4 rolling wheels?

Damn. I just ran into Claire at the mall yesterday.

Yes the truck rolls and willprobably drive buy the windows are all blown out so driving it might be a bitch

I have no problem pulling it for you. Just call U-Haul and rent a trailer, tell them you are going to be pulling an AWD car of some sort, because I think they will not like the idea of a big truck on their trailer, but I have done it before and know they can handle it. And I have towed heavier loads with my truck before.

the truck is about 9000lbs… you’ve towed heavier than that?

I think that is awesome…

I guess he was on the news a 2nd time too I just got a few texts asking why my brother was on TV lol

glad hes ok… that truck is a beast.

remember with weight of a trailor and the truck youll be closer to 10000lbs+.
I know a tow truck guy who could do it, but it wouldnt be cheap.

Does an f250 really weigh 9000lbs?

all this shit he has on it extra…

well from someone else that has one …

7600 lbs…4x4 Supercab 6.4L Powerstroke. + Biodiesel tank (full), full tank for diesel… and all the extras…

I think his might be the 7.3L idk though its a tank

last time I went to rent something to tow a vehicle, I went to ABC rental on Niagara Falls Blvd. and they didnt ask any questions about what I was towing. Just FYI. uhaul wants to know everything about the cars.

F250’s, even crew cab diesel 4x4’s are not 9000lbs, more like 6500.