Friend of the family has a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 60x130 lot with parking for 5 off street, 2.5car garage… He recently painted (in & out) and cleaned carpets. Used to go for $700/mo in Amherst/Tonawanda.
If You’re interested I can ask him if its avail.
Feel free to ask psychopjv about it, he used to rent it with me for a couple years… it’s alright.
Or even better…you hold the mortgage and I pay you rent!
Now you are learning!!! I was just going to post that.Stop renting esp. at 27.If you want to to find ya an owner hold LMK.I have a guy at work that has rented an aprtment for 4 or 5 yrs if not 6 or 7.Works at GM avg pay $60k a yr so he can afford to buy.I keep telling him you’ve already paid the LL $30- 40K and what do you have to show for it? 0 STOP RENTING PPL unless you plan on leaving the area very soon.
I’m not helping you move again.
Why are you selling? You watch flip this house or something?
u cant aqct like u didnt see this coming. derrick goes through cars faster then i change my boxers how would u not see him buying a dif house in a year
If anyone knows of any other properties like this, I’m looking for the same thing…
House or apt with a garage (can be a 1 or 1.5 car) 2 bedroom; in a decent part of town; and must allow a cat. Preferably in the $700/mo range.
I know buy one!; well, I’m selling mine at the moment so I can dig myself out of some debt I accrued due to owning this house. And I got a verbal selling agreement today, just have to get it into writing and then I need to find a place to live. I’ll buy a smaller more fitting place in a year or two when I’m in a LOT better finaicial situation.