WTT: 2 Turtles for 1 Rabbit

turtles taste good.

best title thread for 2008??? i lol’d alot.

5 bucks i know some turtles that can use some friends

Yeppers, by the Launch Club

Thanks but if I were to part out the FEROCIOUS BEASTS than I would need more than that.

im in for cage match

your 2 turtles vs my 2 fish

This could end soooo badly. Species/size?

red oscar and green terror

are there any houses down there on the water?I thopught the only ones down there were bronson,colony,etc. Cool tho a new NYS neighbor:)

the oscar is 10 inches long, green terror not so big but very fast

Hmmmmm idk, my turtles are half the size of your fish. They prefer to pick on minnows. :slight_smile:

I’d be hesitant to put them in a cage with anything bigger than them lol, especially an oscar

But come on, people, let’s get those bunny offers coming!

can it be a wild rabit? ill catch one n sell it to ya for 20 bucks

lol and have it beat the shit out of my domestic one? nowai

Plus, I’m only takin trades, remember? XD

a cage match would be perfect for your turtles!.. slowa$$ek has fish… not so good at swimming in a cage lol


i feel like im takin crazy pills.

edit: will you consider a trade for a ferret? it is like a long rabbit that smells like it lays on its back and pees.

edit2: i don’t have a ferret, just trying to help you with the sale.


In current news, I actually found a local place that has a few rabbits for 30 each, so in the case that I just buy another rabbit, price on the turtles, their cage, and their food is now… 30 dollars! obo. It’s like buying a turtle and a half, and getting the other half, a tank, and food for free! Bonus!

Let me talk to my GF. She has a male domesticated rabbit that just eats and poops. It kind of looks like this: (not actual rabbit)


I’d much rather have turtles.