WTT: 2 Turtles for 1 Rabbit

turtles would win hands down. oscars teeth are in the back of their throat. they couldnt touch the turtle :slight_smile:

and green terrors are pussies

they fuckin massacre fish… lol its really fun to warch… better than having pirhana…imo

also if you bring them to a pet store that sells rabbits and turtles you should be able to trade them in… try creekside pets and supplies in buffalo 1181 abbott rd. ive done lots of business with them and they are really nice, and family owned and operated

LOL :bigclap: Best Title 2008

Well, little update - I went to a pet store on Sheridan and picked up another Dwarf rabbit, a cute spotted one that was relatively active.

Got home and put the new bunny in the cage with the old one… and 5 seconds later nature took over and my (known male) bunny … went to town.

ejsotsehp thanks for the suggestion and I think I might go ahead and take advantage of that, lol.

For now they are separated in a cage and a box, so I’ll see what I can do about this…situation. lol.

i love my red-ear, had him since 02’ and has traveled all over the country with me.

my offer of 10 bucks still stands

let em breed too… most pet stores give an alright dollar for em too… for dwarf lionheads the store i work for pays like 12-15 bux ea… just food for thought

really? where do you work? all the local stores wouldn’t give me any indication that they would take my dwarf

in dunkirk at petmor

did you just mash your keyboard when it asked you for a username preference?


:lol: Zong

This thread is all sorts of awesome.

Buy a snake to eat the baby bunnies.

Willing to part out?

jcruiza120, you have amazing spelling and sentence structure for a 5 year old.

i dont get it…

Hey! I’m seven and a half, thank you. Jeeeeez

I like turtlez