My friends console was just banned from live, so im seeing if anybody would want to do a straight up trade, maybe trade and some cash.

or does anybody want to SELL their xbox???

This 360 is non-HDMI. It is flashed with 1.6 firmware. With the system he will toss in a bunch of games. The console will still continue to play burned games with no problem, just can no longer go on live.

the trade would just consist of the system and av/power cables…seeing as there is no point to get rid of controllers or hard drives.

included in the trade will be these games:

NCAA football 2010
Fight Night Round 4
Gears of War 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assasin’s Creed
Rainbow 6 Vegas 2

Let me know if interested.


if he wants to sell it for cheap I have cash. kinda sucks he got banned

yea… def blows. not sure if he is looking to sell right now though. he would rather do a trade or trade and he will give some cash.

but ill talk to him

go to walmart tomorrow buy arcade edition for 199 get free 100 dollar gift card sell gift card and old 360…profit???

lol yea saw that too. i mentioned that to him also.

You could always call MS and tell them it has RRoD and get it swapped out.

I swapped my modded one when it got RRoD no problem.

My brother in law swapped his modded and banned one with RRoD a year go and got back an unbanned one. We then modded that one, which he just had to send back a couple weeks ago for RRoD again. This time it had no warranty sticker at all and looked like he pried it apart with a crowbar and they still replaced it under warranty. :lol:

hmmm…not a bad idea. ill run it by him.

wait what’s up with this walmart deal?

here jam

dude have him buy a new one, pay cash, then return the old one. pull the hd too obv

Thats his best bet. Plus he makes out with a $100 GC.

yea…i mentioned that to him…but hes not really up for doing that

So he’ll scam Microsoft but not Walmart?

no…he doesnt want to scam either.

where on here did i say he would scam either? i said i would run the idea by him. he wasnt up for it

isnt modding and using burned games scamming?

haha, he must have deleted his post. :slight_smile:

well played

watch out with this. I sent mine in with no warrenty sticker and they refused mine.

ya I’m def going to wal-mart tomorrow. gonna treat myself y0

Also be careful on trying to scam Walmart. Every store scans the 360s serial number when it leaves. If it doesn’t match on the return it’s an obvious no-no.