It is a party school. What do you expect? I hardly ever hear students complain about it down here. I even got to see a kit dive through bushes onto concrete, then roll down a hill. I admit some of these people are dumb but it is damn good entertainment.
Yeah, I have alot of growing up to do. :rolleyes: That is a BS excuse. Every fire I have ever encouraged was in a safe area. I have even helped pick up cars to keep them away (I wouldnt want my car near any fire). We have fires, you guys have shootings. I will stick to WVU.
I have heard many people bitch about cops giving them speeding tickets on here. Same concept. If you are speeding then why are you pissed you got a ticket???
stop being a pussy. drunken riots are cool no matter what your age.
so now your comparing speeding with arson?
Arson? What was burned? Couches in the streets. No houses were burned. Sure, people burned a car on Grant but I am against that. I wasnt near that either. So I am comparing a fire where people burned their own stuff to speeding. More people die in car wrecks than anything else. I havent seen one student die in a bonfire in the 4 years I have been here.
fires are way cooler that speeding too.
Yes. I think he needs to keep that vagina tucked away.
trust me…there will be a point in your life when you realize…that was some stupid ass shit you did.
relax guy…he’s being facetious :rolleyes:
i give up
What did I do? I encouraged people to burn shit and nothing happened other than people had fun. I will never think that is stupid. I will always think you have some issues that make you want to sound better than everyone else.
After all of the drama and immaturity on this board, I dont think anyone has the right to say street fires are immature. This site e-fights about everything. Sometimes I think people on here just argue for the sake of arguing.
ok just shut your mouth before you look more retarded
ummm yeah, I look retarded. I drink and have fun, then get lectured by people who have the maturity of a 10 year old. The last thing I need is safety lessons from people who street race all the time. Come on, WTF is that? :dunno:
Glad to see you are one of the more upstanding students at the school. :down: You know 90%+ of the students think people like you are an idiot. Lighting fires, destroying other peoples property, and just being plain dumb. Yeah, you’re cool. Next time why don’t you go sit in your car and ask them to flip it and set it on fire since you like to encourage it. There is a reason I moved out of Morgantown and life has gotten less stressful. It because of people like you that you can’t even walk down the sidewalk after a game without getting yelled at to keep moving by the police officers. :tool:
i am all for a good time and i definitely like to party. one thing i won’t do is destroy someone elses property or put someone else in danger other then myself. thats when it just gets out of hand…
In the 4 years I was there (Guessing you weren’t quite bright enough to get out that quick) I saw multiple deaths from it. Fires do get out of hand very quickly in that environment. There is a reason you now get expelled from the university and go to jail (Think it’s a year that is given now) for envolvement in a street fire.
And as for fires not endagering anyone you are just plain stupid. It puts all the bystanders in danger. It puts the firefighters in danger. A bonfire in a controlled environment using wood is not usually a problem. A fire using furniture in the street is always a problem.
Yes and you cant read. I said I am agaist the car burning shit. I never light any fires. I do go out and enjoy watching people burn their furniture. I am glad you moved out of morgantown too. One less asshole to deal with. Grant street fires are pretty messed up sometimes. I would do anything I could to keep fires away from cars. 2 years ago they did this after the football game. There was a Honda starting to have it’s bumper melt since it was near a fire. We picked it up and moved it a safe distance.
I wouldnt destroy someone elses property either. If people want to burn thier own shit than that is cool with me though. This is the reason I didnt go to Grant last night. Those kids usually get out of control and start messing up cars.