
why does it seem that majority of the people i meet from wyotech do not build their own cars?

unless you take the chassis and engine class you dont really learn anything performance oriented. they mainly prep you for work in a dealership.

…which blows teh cawk immensely. I lasted gosh, almost 3 years i think and that was it, it sucked big time. I’m just not a fan of “the faster you work, the more you get paid”. I like to take my time and do it right.

yeah I know that why I want to work for a performance shop when I get out,

fuck dealerships

all the replies in this thread are why i havent signed up. i too have wanted to go since i first seen their commerical on TNN (or whatever its called now) and got their vhs tour. however its stories like these that make me ponder a 21k+ decision. that and most the peeps i’ve met while working lot attendant jobs at stealerships actually know less then me and would get all the shit jobs.

when are you guys gonna learn that cars suck ass?

Cars do suck. do yourselfs a favor and learn how to sit in AC in the summer and heat in the winter. Plus while sitting there you will be able to talk to female co workers as well.

Cliffs- Work smart not hard. and Don’t do what you love, rather make money so you can actually enjoy doing that which you love.

one more thing. weather you work at a dealership or not, the faster you work the better your paid.


learned that the first time I rode a street bike :slight_smile: