
^^ very well put!

Just to add here, i technically did not go to WYO, i was one of the last groups to grad before it was bought out. I was there when it was still Vale-tech. SO i when i was there classes were limited and there was no speciallty classes. but without those im now a dealer tech and im not complaining. However if wyo was closer id prolly take another class or 2 out there just for more knowledge.

I know its a waste of money… I hired people that went there many times… we only kept one… they all spend easily over 20k… I would just go to a dealership, start out at min wage and just learn… eventually you will be qualified, get a raise and then not be left with the debt from the school loans.

Now like Jay said… if you want to get involved with traveling race teams, etc… then you might want to look into wyotech… but not for the local dealership job… it takes too long to re-coupe your investment.