X Games 14

Yeah I thought his head flew off! thats one way to deck out! lol Still that kid is a machine in the half pipe. 23 feet out of a 22 foot pipe is just retarded, thats twice the height of my highest air out of the same sized pipe ever… I cant imagine dropping from that high!!!

The skiing big air was sick. the jump was perfect. My brother and crew were right there and said it was just nutty. Brown killed it for sure. dub corked 1440’s then the 1620 was just retarded… it was PERCFECTLY done, corked out to the max on both flips and STUCK the landing.

I forgot who it was but the guy in the red pants and the suspenders hanging down was throwing double corks that were more inverted than anyone else doing them.

But still the laid out back flip by brown was priceless on the victory lap. he led it out sooooo long hahaha.

The snowcross track looks like soooo much fun too. the stepup, the cross over finish line jump, there are so many sick well build features.