X-Men Origins Wolverine Leaked online?!?

Have you guys heard of this. I think the release date is for May 1st 2009, but it leaked online. Anyone watched this? lol


Sucks, hopefully doesnt affect sales. excited for the actual release.

i have to say… i watch movies online all the time… i download one every once in a while… but if a movie as good as they say… i WILL pay for it and watch it again in theater because SIZE DOES MATTER! if the movie is good on a small computer screen it would be that much better on a huge movie screen, not to mention the surround sound! and the socializing! etc etc… so i dont think it would affect sales all that much, unless the movie blows and isnt worth watching in theaters in the first place! then if i like it in theaters i will buy the DVD just to add to my collection!

Not just size, the theater experience is just a hell of a lot better. Awesome sound too, obviously.

its sick … i watched it … but there is animations in it still … its not fully done haha but it looks like its gunna be a pretty good movie… its kinda cool seeing it like this too … just to see how the stunts are done.

^^really? nice. so its not the final version. can you see the strings? lol

yea i watched it last night dvdrip. If you dont mind watching some scenes with strings, and unfinished graphics then you’ll love it. I know i did. the fact that the movie wasnt finished didnt really ruin anything for me.

I own it on dvd. Yet to watch it…had it for a week now. Heard it was really good.

ya you can see the strings … the funniest part is one guy (not sayin who) gets hit by a truck and rolls over it … and you can see the animated gray dummy rolling across the top of the truck haha … i loved it … overall it was a pretty good movie though


guys, if you are gonna download this, don’t use torrents… that easily can be tracked…

if nothing else, ask someone for a copy that has it or just use an SSL connection to a newsgroup server or something… FBI has been all over this since the leak cuz this workprint is apparently that big of deal (there are tons of other workprints that came out over the years and no one gave a damn)

Stream - http://www.movie-forumz.org/showthread.php?t=82534

that sucks…I’ll wait till it officially gets released to the public then, so they can work out the strings!:wink: haha

can someone post another link to stream it from

i watched the first half, its pretty sweet

thats awsome

we’re canadian we’re out of their jurisdiction.

yes. but sometimes rogers or whoever your internet provider will send you warnings and eventually shut off your internet connection if you get enough warnings. i personally have 2 already. lol. both for very expensive pc games i got through torrents.

Yea I downloaded it on torrents, they cant track you and do shit to you legally. The main company that handles licensing issues and pirating is based in the US and I havnt seen any torrent trackers that are from Canada. We dont really inforce copyright laws.

In conclusion; movie was alright, def. not done editing. But i look forward to final release