Xbox 360 Nyko Intercooler Problems?

I had one on but got annoyed at how lout it was. It did keep it very cool!, make sure yours is the “EX” version (or something like that), this has a metal power plug that goes into the xbox like the power cord. The older ones only had a plastic plug and often melted. I know there is a lot of mixed feelings but I would say if you have a older xbox get one and if you have the newer ones with bigger heat sinks, it is not as nessesary. Does the noise bother you? If so ditch it, if not keep it.

I had an old plastic one. Used it once. Like zoominrx8 said they’re so loud. Those 3 little fans running @ 12 volts scream.

Never needed it anyways.

My 10-2005 born launch console just rrod’d a few day ago though. :frowning: