xbox 360

Got a premium one sitting right beside me… woot!

wow, congratulations. You spent $400 on a video game.

I hope its an investment.

my xbox is still better :slight_smile:

like it?

ho hum, if i only had time to play video games well then I would keep it… but its getting flipped

sure hope it doesnt freeze up like most of them are doing like i heard

i thought about trying to get one and sell on ebay, but i can’t scrape up the cash to buy it.


i heard its a very small percentage that are having any problems…

what do you want for it? i wanna mod one

a friend of a friend flipped one on ebay and make $2,000. :hs:

on first day one went for 4200 bucks :eek4:

this one is actually going to guy at work, but I might be able to get another one…

there not goin real high now.expect a 100 buck profit