Xbox360 Games

I want to rent a fun shoot em up game similar to Rainbow 6 Vegas but not as technical as R6.

I havent touched my xbox in months so I am curious if there is anything worth going out to amuse myself with for an evening.


Shameless bump on my FS thread, but one of these might sound fun… COD4 was a blast.


the new COD comes out tomorrow or how about the new Bond game. thats alrdy out and i hear nothing but good reviews

COD 4?


Cant get more shoot em up than that…

who cares about 4, 5 comes out tomorrow


its spelled “TOMORROW”!!!

and i know that… and i already have COD5…

im just making suggestions, because maybe he doesnt want to get COD going to the WW2 theme…

R6V2 > * stop being such a vag. Man up and terrorist hunt.

I just want to bang bang bang without alot of dying and see heads exploding.

dont play with aaron then, TEAM KILL!!!