Xgames short vid

Saw this tonight while i was eating my dinner. Thought it was pretty bad ass.

intense flip

^first time on big air i believe

so fucked, your body doesn’t even know what to do with that kind of movement

yea thoes guys are nuts

real nice, should have had a finish at the end

and should have placed better then 5th…

That was insane…that deserves an instant 1st place in my opinion.

Yeah no kidding first ever double and its in big air…

And not only was it the first but a mint ass landing is rare on normal big air

i thought that it was just HIS first double, not the first ever.

I dunno forsure but i remember hearing first for big air, but could be wrong.

Pretty sure but not 100% lol.

either way that was mad clean, first ever or not.

sic nasty

He did not place well as he did not pull a trick on the quarter pipe or get big air on the quarter pipe, the first place contestent did some sick stuff too
This vid shows most if not all of the runs.

Skip to 7:10 for the first place winner

first place was not impressive…

even the announcers didn’t sound to impressed with the winners run.

Jeff…yeah…I agree that he didn’t do a trick on the quarter pipe but come on, when you pull off a trick like that, I really don’t think you even need to do anything else.

Oh well. The thing that sucks about this competition is that the judging is very subjective.

Im not an expert on it but i believe its big air becuase your supposed to get the biggest air on the quarter pipe and bust out a move for points, i agree the guy should have won aswell as the fans and some of the other riders but the judges have to give out points properly.