XM and sirius ?'s

I think it depends on the installation, specifically how they placed the antenna. Once I found the correct location on my car, I can drive under bridges all day long with Sirius and it doesn’t cut out.

Somebody really needs to make a portable receiver with a 60GB hard drive, so I can listen live, record, or listen to my own mp3s. The first company that isn’t Apple who comes out with such a device will probably get my money.

i bought a Pioneer Inno a few months ago. it has an internal antenna, you can take it anywhere. you can also buy car and home kits which give you a cradle and a more powerful external antenna if your in a place that has interferance. it stores and plays mp3’s as well as live feeds. it has a built in FM transmitter so you can play your music though any stereo (i love this because i can play the satellite feed at any house or car im in, no need for wired connections). This is the top of the line right now in portable satellite receivers. as far as which company to go with, both XM and Sirius users will argue till their blue in the face over which service is better. but they are pretty much identical in every way. XM is the only company at the moment with a portable on the level of the Inno.

Well my question about satelite radio is this: I work @ a car dealership as a tech and I see that both XM and Sirius lose signal in the garage. How can I get satelite radio to work inside the shop? Is there a wireless antenna or anything or would I have to run one outside? Thanks guys

that might be true, it was a factory installation so it might not have been that great. geographic location is also a huge factor with it, and that might be to blame, but the fact that it did not have a 5 sec buffer or so is what really pissed me off

i can listen, record and upload my own mp3’s on my S50 …and rewind…and pause…and fast forward after i’ve rewound…kind of like a DVR i guess just no live feed when its not on the kit BLAH…but it does record radio while i listen to it … so its almost like its live when i take it out of the car…

I think that is exactly what I’m looking for.How well does it work inside a steel building tho?

Probably not well, but you won’t know til you try. No satellite radio works very well in buildings. At least thats been my experience. The great thing about the Inno is you can record a station for a few hours and listen the the songs while you are in the steel building. Also if there is a particular song you really like and want to hang onto, you can pull it from the recording and drop it into a playlist on the Inno so that it is available anytime you want.