Xmas gift ideas.

Craftsman Bottle opener wrench

California Dust stick

Portable breathalizer

GoPro wide
more to come

dont get the duster, the wrench is cool

This for an article not for me…

For this umm… blog :ponder


There was a guy in england last year who made his own application in this same fashion…

He had a box in his trunk with a 3G internet setup from ATT that was wired into his alarm system…

He could start/shut off, lock, unlock, turn on lights, roll down windows, play the CD player etc…

From anywhere in the world provided both the car and phone had a signal…

Was really cool!

Glad to see its been commericaly done!

I think this makes a great gift and it’s cheap: http://www.docallensversatool.com/

Go pro hero HD

Aaron, great call!

Iphone app credit for stuff like Dynolicious?


If you’re baller of course

I see your Craftsman Bottle Opener and raise you…:rofl:rofl

This motorcycle grip makes a revving sound every time you pop open a beer. You’ll get a lot of good years out of this motorcycle, but remember that it is dangerous. You’ll probably fall a few times, and once the liver goes it’s time to trade her in.

Product Page ($10)

source: nerd approved


i’ll use my teeth or the slim metal card in my wallet to open bottles



Hahahaha :rofl

that… is fucking cool.

we proved that breathalizer is garbage lol

It occasionaly works if you do it proper :lol

Makes a good gift either way :tongue

if you want the person to be arrested :shifty

Anybody else got any cool products automotive related?

There was the lock DeIcer my mom got me last year from AVON…

Acctualy worked pretty well… Was a little box, not big at all, keycahin size with a flashlight on one and and a plastic piece that slid out on the other end…

When press up against a lock a small thin piece of metal came out got hot and went inside of your lock to deice it…

Santa clause hates you if that was your present.

What’s next injector clean?

Nah my rents just give me money to buy what I ened for the car over the past couple years…

she jsut bought me a ton of little shit liek that so I had “something” under the tree… she feels like shes being a bad mother for just giving me money when honestly thats all i want, even if its 100 bucks… id rather do what I need or want to with it

Hey seafoam ftw…