Xterra or Jeep Wrangler

The Patriot is the biggest pile of shit Jeep has ever come out with.

apparently the xterras have transmission problems, and the biggest problem youll face with a jeep is window regulators motors lol


what about the Compass? The little baby girl Jeep.

Compass and Patriot are both pieces of garbage! Should never have been built! You have to be drunk and stupid to buy either one!

gunna go take a look at the jeep monday at langan. It’s an auto but i could care less, its basically going to be my winter vehicle lol

all jeeps should be manual, but I want a white one 2003+ for $13,000ish and under 100,000 miles, could be slim pickings.

Might be worse then the patriot, looked at a 5 speed sport with really low miles that was mint, looked at the carfax, 5 owners within 28kmi on the thing. Did not really want to get it in the first place but was thinking hey, really low miles, its mint mine as well check it out. Plus my mom had one as a rental and it did not seem to bad at the time

Looked at reviews, people complaining about it stalling randomly. Door panels falling off, coating on the dash scabbing off etc

5 diff owners withing 30kmi of the cars life, tells you something about it :rofl

make sure you get a hardtop if this is gonna be a winter car.
you will freeze to death without one.


Thanks for the heads up lol… I’ll make sure I check the hard tops out.

just bring me your car ,your credit card etc and ill make sure the g8 makes ya happy when the jeep pisses ya off lol

I dont have credit cards really, lol. for some reason they’re sticking me with a 500 and 400 dollar limit, they sit there with 0 balance after every payment. The whole credit card situation pisses me off. Meanwhile my girlfriend has a card that started at 1,000 and is all the way to 3,000 now WTF.

And work once again is not looking to promising, I’m getting just enough jobs to pay for everything and some extra to go out a couple of nights.

So in that case, someone start building some houses for me to sheetrock and tape lol

a friend of mine just bought a patriot and says she loves it, I dont have the heart to tell her its a POS…

seems like there would be lots of work in and around schoharie with everyone rebuilding… My aunt is actually having a hard time finding someone to come in and put new rock up…

She will realize it when it starts throwing missfire codes and a tune up don’t fix it . All of a sudden it needs a 2k head job cause the valves suck

yup. oh well…

Indy… Custom Walls Inc 365-6832… Give that to your aunt