Yahoo approved for 15MW in WNY (Buffalo area)

Good to see a customer of ours potentially expanding to good ol’ Buffalo.

Now let’s hope that holds true and doesn’t flop and head to Chicago instead like HSBC did…

Ryan you guys picking up the contract for this?

Very nice, now let’s hope Yahoo makes a commitment.

lets hope buffalo doesn’t find a way to fuck it up.

I will believe it when I see it…nothing is final…they dont have a site picked and the closest site to Buffalo is Lockport.

On the good news…120 possible jobs.

Negative, looks like they are going to be building it themselves.

They should really have tried to locate this downtown…

:lol: Thats a terrible idea for a data center…

I’m surprised power is the hard utility to get…I would assume getting multiple carriers to run fiber out to the middle of no where would be the hard part.

So I have no idea why it would be a terrible idea…

I’m just all for more businesses being DT

There will probably be a lot of industrial utilities located in the outdoor areas of the building. That will require a large barbed wire fence to be put up around the premises. Not exactly an ideal setup for a downtown setup.

This stuff needs HUGE cooling systems, HUGE amounts of electricity, fire supression, etc… and then you have to double what it needs, for redundancy.

Not to mention, I don’t want crack deals and shootings going on outside of where I potentially store a lot of my sensitive personal information.

Well they wouldn’t put barbed wire fence around it, that would just look so trashy/ghetto but then again it would be in WNY where some idiot would probably think it would be ideal to try to steal a transformer… :rofl:

If they pull what HSBC did and just take up space in Chicago instead of WNY, then we have a perfectly good brand new facility there for them :slight_smile:

yeah, I don’t really know. Just figured they would want to keep people away from that equipment.

Depending on how they build it, the size of the building, if they buy pre-made, etc. they can keep majority of the equipment in and/or on top of the building. A couple of ours if you look at them from the outside you wouldn’t suspect anything other than an office building if you were none the wiser.

My guess it ends up in Cheektowaga or Amherst. Lots of places where getting redundant fiber is easy plus local governments who aren’t retarded like the city and won’t pile the red tape roadblocks on.

And you don’t get a group of city “preservationists” suing because some crumbling shithole covered in graffiti is historic when you want to knock it down to build your new facility.

They never even listed Cheektowaga or Amherst as possible choices…

Buffalo will have nothing to do with it so I’m sure they won’t.

They want to be close to the power plant so those locations would be out of the way… Plus Erie county would definitely fuck it up.

Look at the VA area a lot of the datacenters our on the outskirts of the citys…with the exception of places that need them on site pentagon and other places…

Sorry, have to admit I haven’t been following this very close because until Yahoo actually commits it’s just more BS from Albany.

Oh I agree 100%…WNY is a prime location but till they break ground errr until they fire up the first server I wouldn’t call it a done deal.

Change the title - 15mW is 15 milliwatts. Should be 15MW.

I know…nogaf…